I think a lot of people cannot comprehend that when multiple values intersect, we do not have to choose between just one of them... but we must instead consider how they intersect. The right for self-defense that the second amendment is about is rooted in our right to freedom and safety, which even intersect each other in definition, rather than trumping either of them.
People are not given a driver license if they fail to pass a driving test, and they also lose drivers license if they drive drunk. Why? If they have the money to buy a car, shouldn't they be able to buy a car? Don't they have full rights to do whatever they want with their car? That is not the case. A car owner's freedom to use their car is restricted by how much it might endanger others for them to drive.
I think gun licensing and background checks are as necessary as laws governing driver license. High ammunition magazines and explosives that are not necessary for self-defense but easily abused to harm countless others, should be also well regulated or outright banned for a good reason. Should we just give any terrorists direct access to things like explosives? The only use of high ammunition magazines are for fighting against many soldiers.... and if the country becomes an authoritarian dictatorship state like North Korea, then the law becomes irrelevant anyway. Plus, our soldiers would still have their guns and many of them would likely rebel against such a dictatorship. Even if not, just kill the opposing soldier, and take their ammunition?
The law is only relevant in our current society that has not devolved into that kind of a mess, so we have to talk about the present.
There have been some false data presented above, like the one about how mass shooting was much higher during Obama's time: https://www.snopes.com/mass-shootings-obama/
While we make it harder for people to commit mass murders whenever they happen to be unstable enough to start mass shooting, we should also eliminate the root cause of the various ailment of society, which is unfortunately not happening quick enough. We have a society that focuses more on subsidizing the rich, bigotry, xenophobia, and fighting each other, rather than fixing our infrastructures.
I think the following are some of the causes of crime, mass shooting, etc in America:
- Poverty and welfare trap: This is a bipartisan issue, even if the right wing is worse on this. Non-means tested programs like Universal basic income could eliminate poverty. It also would not punish people that work by removing their benefits, or unable to get into it. Universal Health Care would cost less than half our current health care expenses per person, according to examples from Canada and UK.
- Foster care: Children that are unfortunate enough to be thrown into the foster care system have a higher chance of having to rely on crime. We need to care for them by building infrastructures that promote productivity and ensuring a minimum standard of living for all, but prevention is often the cheapest and most effective way to solve problems. Universal healthcare that covers sex ed and free access to preventative birth control would reduce unwanted pregnancies. People also tend to have less children when they're out of poverty, and when they have the opportunity to get higher ed.
- Homelessness: We could erase homelessness by giving homes to the homeless, yet save a lot of money. Anti-welfare people absolutely hate the idea of welfare program altogether, therefore they're willing to spend more money while letting people stay suffering. Homelessness results in increasing stress, mental illness, crime, and incarcerations.
Vox:Giving housing to the homeless is three times cheaper than leaving them on the streets
HOMELESSNESS AND MENTAL ILLNESS - Mass incarceration: American drug wars and justice system are a mess. People are arrested for a victimless crime that endangers no one (like for smoking weed), and there's no good rehabilitative system built into the justice system. We have a retributive justice system that's focused primarily on punishing people, rather than a restorative justice system that's focused in improving the situation. When people leave, they leave as hardened criminals which does not promote a good household environment for their children or family or friends.
- Dealing with bigotry, social oppression, and bullying would also do a lot on reducing mass shooting. Rejection, bullying are risk factors among shooters
- This is getting long, but mental health care as part of universal health care, reducing segregation, etc would be helpful too.
I think a lot of the policies proposed by Andrew Yang in his platform would solve a lot of the issues that ails America, including ones I've not covered, even if I'm not completely into everything in his platform. His policies would also promote entrepreneurship, mobility, etc: https://www.yang2020.com/policies/
Some of ekklesiagora's ideas, like insurance and incentives for safe gun practices, are interesting too: https://steemit.com/guns/@ekklesiagora/common-sense-on-guns
Something that more people need to also be aware of, is that people's behaviors are often the results of their circumstances. Unfortunately, most people do not even realize it when fundamental attribution error affects their assumptions. No one is fundamentally lazy and evil. People just want to be happy and to not suffer. People will not be lazy just by having their basic needs satisfied, but people will be more likely to be 'lazy' or do terrible things when their environment pushes them towards it.
The Fundamental Attribution Error: It’s the Situation, Not the Person
Ethics Unwrapped | Fundamental Attribution Error
Lastly, I think "The most dangerous person is the person who has nothing to lose" is a very appropriate quote here. People become terrorists/etc because they feel like they have nothing to lose. Empower everyone and eliminate poverty, then the world would be a much safer place.
You hit the nail on the head with a lot of these points. One thing that I’m coming to understand a bit better lately is that America isn’t a democratic nation. It’s run by oligarchs and as such, their interests come first. Gun lobbyists who have no other agenda than to keep producing guns in mass quantity, keep paying these corrupt politicians to push forward their agenda. These politicians and everyone else for that matter know gun reform is needed, but we still can’t even agree on that. Highest incarceration rate in the world, corrupt politicians, scandal after scandal. America is closer to a dictator state than we think, how free are Americans really?
We might be one of the freest first world nations as far as our freedom to exploit each other and foreign nation goes, but we're definitely not free from being exploited. Lobbyists compete against each other for their special interests with the support of their members.... when they don't support each other in their exploitation of us. We're either inconsequential collateral in their war against each other or their livestock. XD
That’s last sentence sums it up perfectly. I might have to steal that one, or exploit you for your intellectual property ;)
Sounds good! XD