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RE: Which Do You Value More: Freedom or the Well-being Freedom Brings?

in #guns7 years ago (edited)

If someone is crazy enough to kill 50+ and then take their own life, do you think they might also be crazy enough to detonate a nuclear bomb?
If so, Vegas might not exist right now.

Most likely, but in an environment of true freedom, I have doubts a nuclear weapon would exist, if it did, whoever controlled its usage would be highly under watch and made transparent, perhaps blockchain could facilitate this; also we are talking about hypotheticals here.

I think guns would serve some purposes in a voluntary society, though there's room for innovation in more defensive type tools to counteract violence.


there's room for innovation in more defensive type tools to counteract violence.

I'd love to see more of this for sure.

That reminds me, I read something recently about Thorium Salt Nuclear reactors. They are safer than what we have today, but originally they were not used because it was too difficult to create weapons-grade material from the process. Sad how the priorities of war dictate so much of life.

Yup, the development of nuclear weapons is backwards and not conducive toward freedom.