The teachers who do not want to be armed will not be forced to carry a gun.
If some teachers start carrying, you can be pretty sure that those who don’t will start facing lawsuits from CC parents who are incensed that their little precious is in danger because of negligent teachers who are not CC. This is America, count on it.
Lol, it's a trained dude carrying a gun. It's not that special at all.
I wouldn't be so sure about it being DOA in congress.
This doesn't even make sense.
Of course it makes sense. This is a litigious society.
Seriously, this goes nowhere in Congress. Maybe some committee holds hearings, then . . . crickets. Leadership types don’t generally advance doomed bills. All Democrats would oppose it. Some Republicans would oppose it (Rubio is just the tip of the iceberg). The Teachers Union would fight it tooth and nail.
Just not happening.
Trump just opened his mouth and said the first dumb thing that jumped into his brain. Anyone notice that members of Congress aren’t jumping out saying what a damn fine idea this is?