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RE: Gun Rights for Everyone

in #guns8 years ago

I live in a country of 1.2 billion people. Traveled through some scary places in my country but have never felt much need for a gun! Bad things happen everywhere but Im unsure if guns will change it. I think statistically there has been a rise in gun related violence in America. As much as i'd like to own one and use it I don't think it's the logical solution to dealing with crimes. But unfortunately some situations probably demand it too!

US with approx 1/4th of the population of India has a lot of shootings and gun-related deaths unfortunately. I think disabled people should have equal rights as anyone else irrespective of disability but I think US could do with disarmament of its citizens which may lead to safer times for everyone including yourself. However, can it stop the black market sales? US also produces a lot of weapons and has a number of vested interests by way of gun manufacturers. I don't see mass disarming happening in US anytime in the next century with the way things are right now.

But traditionally in the south, especially Texas It's not uncommon to own guns. It's almost like a time-honored tradition to own weaponry (correct me if im wrong) at home but I think the safest thing to do is to reduce gun violence by some practical means.

Although I can't speak for the citizens of America and neither for what they feel they deserve. Just my opinion as a keen observer and as someone who loves the country for it's amazing travel opportunities and few close American friends I've got there who I hope don't get shot by cops or by anyone else who loves to pull a gun at people for no reason! :)


Thanks for this post. Owning guns is a tradition not just in Texas, but in much of the United States. I really believe that the US has so much gun violence because we have very crappy gun laws. As more "gun control" laws are passed, more gun violence ensues, furthering the push for more gun control, and the vicious cycle continues. I am a firm believer that everyone should be armed and know how to use their weapons. Most should conceal or open carry. This may sound like something out of the Wild West, but I truly believe that will end gun violence in the US, anyways. I don't think these measures will work for other countries, especially one where owning guns is considered normal. Time will tell where the whole gun fiasco goes, but I do believe that we are being disarmed. I may be paranoid, but I still believe it to be true.

A person from India, a nation where gang rapes happen on the street and the victims stab and lynch the rapists in front of court houses, is chiding us for gun violence?

Also, no, gun related crime in the US is actually on the decline, not incline.

By the way, why is your name firepower?

Have you even traveled to this country? You speak as if there are no rapes occurring in the US or any other types of violence. You may want to take a look at some hard facts about your own country!