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RE: Changing The Legal Age To Buy A Rifle....Good or Bad Idea?

in #gunlaws7 years ago

Who knows exactly why the law makers did what they did? I can't speak for them, all I can do is speculate.

I'm not a neurologist either so I really don't know specific details about what percentages of what areas of the brain are still undeveloped until you're in your 20's. I just remember Dr. Oz talking about it and I figure he knows what he's talking about lol.

Obviously adults commit more murders than teenagers do. But that's veering away from the topic at hand which is teenagers legally buying AR-15's and doing these mass shootings with them.

I'm not sure where you got your statistics for making the statement about late teens and young adults being more commonly the victims of crime but I would have to strongly disagree with that. In over 12 years of working in law enforcement, at least 95% of my victims were over 21. I know, thats just me in my little section of the world and its different everywhere else. But this is a subject that is also veering away, or at least has the potential. First you would have to be more specific with how old a "young adult" is. Then you would need to decide what kind of crimes you want associated with your victims to attempt to get an accurate statistic. Which getting an accurate statistic is somewhat of a mystery anyway. But for shits and giggles, I located these murder statistics really quick. It shows 996 victims of murder between the ages of 17 and 19. From the ages of 20 and 24 it jumps to 2,431 and from 25 to 29 it's 2,071.
As far as juveniles being victims of crimes that constitute the use of deadly force, I think the number would be pretty low. Sure, kids get beat up every day during fist fights but that doesn't necessarily constitute the use of deadly force. Getting jumped by a "gang", now that's a different story.

I know you have problems with authority, I've seen your previous postings and video. I still respect your opinion even though I disagree with you. An 18 year old is definitely able to complete a police exam as well as the physical test. But there's no way in hell I would assume the liability of swearing in an 18 year old. You're talking about giving a tremendous amount of responsibility to someone that has had their driver's license for only 2 years. Hell, I think 21 is actually boarderline for becoming a cop. I was extremely mature and responsible when I started my career in my 20's and I still did stupid and immature stuff while on duty. There's no way in hell I could have done my job when I was 18.

I appreciate the civilized dialogue and it's obvious we both have our own seperate opinions about things. But do me a favor, please. I didn't comment on the video you posted the other day but I had several reservations with some things you said in the video. I really don't want to address everything and debate about it. But if you don't mind, I would greatly appreciate it if you would read an article that I wrote. I'm not asking you to upvote it or comment on it. I just want you to read it in hopes that it might get a wheel or two turning in your young mind. Many thanks for your time.
