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RE: Response to Fellow Steemian Regarding Gun Control

" underestimate the anti-sentiment towards the EU within certain parts of the UK population."

Who cares? What are they gonna do about it? Wave placards at passing limousines? Write their local parliamentarian? What they're not going to do is show up in armed mobs and demand their will prevail.

Nothing short of that matters.

"Even supporters of the remain campaign would be more likely to rise up in protest if the EU was seen to be subjugating the democratic will of the people."

Which is why you are allowed to vote. It keeps you feeling you are in the loop, and responsible for the decision they make to subjugate you. Same here in the USA.

"Jersey is a Crown Dependency and generally sets it's own domestic legislation independent from Westminster"

I know. The Queen owns it personally, and that is why the trafficking of children from Haut de la Garenne by Jimmy Saville et al (personal friend of Prince Charles) will never result in prosecution, and why it's such an excellent example of the corruption of your legal system.

I'm not picking on the UK particularly, except that it is what you know personally. The Dutroux scandal in Belgium, the Franklin coverup in the USA, the UN everywhere it goes, all reveal child trafficking being permitted moneyed interests while ordinary people are demonized for making a bad pass.

My point is that nations are mechanisms to subjugate their populations for the real overlords of the transnational corporations, including both the UK and the US.

This is why Russia is being demonized today, as Putin has paid off Russia's national debt, depriving the transnationals of their rent money (interest payments). If you look at the list of 'Evil' countries, you will see that they are the only countries without national debt, or that threaten to nationalize the industries that deliver money to the international banksters.

This is why we are so furiously being disarmed. Slaves can't be allowed to own arms, or uprisings like Haiti conducted to throw off the French can happen. I'm surprised you are allowed metal utensils at all. Brits are proven dangerous people when cornered.


Who knows perhaps we will end needing to resort to violence to get what we want in regards our sovereignty? But I'm willing to give other options a try before turning to that.

"My point is that nations are mechanisms to subjugate their populations for the real overlords of the transnational corporations, including both the UK and the US."

I fully agree

"Brits are proven dangerous people when cornered."

You better believe it! Our island mentality still runs strong