The latest gun grabbing campaign brought to you by ALICE and your friendly neighborhood TYRANTS.

in #gun7 years ago (edited)

Some facts:

-School had knowledge of possible active shooter months in advance.
-School had an active shooter exercise same day of the event.
-Student was not attending this school at time of shooting.
-Witnesses had conversation with suspect. Suspect was unarmed and shots were befing fired on other side of building.
-An antifa shirt in one pic, MAGA hat in another.
-FBI had contact with suspect in Sept 17'.
-Tweets are yr apart. More importantly, one right before and one after the shooting.
-Insta Graham has one message from shooter :" I am going to be a professional school shooter", reported to FBI.

My thoughts:

This shooting and all previously matching MO's are
nothing more than murdering of innocent lives for
an agenda that will be met at any cost necessary.
Agenda 21 needs your attention. Please do your own
research so that you to can be WOKE! But hey,
just a suggestion.
