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RE: Gun laws would not have prevented Vegas

in #gun7 years ago

Under that logic nuclear weapons are not the problem, it’s the people that own them. Whilst I agree guns are a tool, they make the act of killing people a whole lot easier. In the UK where there are strong guns laws, there are killings but killers use knives or cars as you described and the death toll is 2-3 not 50-60.
If guns are a tool, then they should be restricted to those who need them (ie hunting rifles for hunters, automatic weapons for soldiers etc).
I have been around guns all my life and I am extremely thankful that they are sensibly restricted where I live, so mass shootings are a thing of the past.
It is scary that America has lost more people to gun related crime since 1968 than it has in every war Ever.

Isn’t that just an amazing statistic? (I know you will disputed it now).

I have said my piece and will leave it there but I can’t believe that vested interests and lobbying groups have such control over the political process that sadly means nothing will change and tomorrow another mass shooting will occur which sadly won’t make the news unless it happens to have 50+ casualties.