
Thanks for that video from that Australian with good perspective.

No worries man, he's a pretty clever guy hey?

It is a lot to talk about what he says. One important point: The most of the mass shootings in last decade were committed in public areas that guns are not allowed. Orlando 2016 was in a bar. No "good man" could take a gun with him to the bar and stop that massacre. Virginia Tech 2007 was a campus shooting. No "good guy" is allowed to take a gun to the class. Sandy Hook Elementary shooting was obviously unstoppable. The last one in Las Vegas was also unstoppable because no "good guy" in the area could respond the shooting from that distance with an ordinary gun. Only a professional with a sniper gun could finish him before he could kill more people than a suicide bomber could do in a bazaar in Iraq. So, how could we stop these shootings?