
A dust storm photo taken by the Opportunity Mars Rover during its trek across the Meridiani Planum.

Best answer EVER 😁

your mind is wondrous! xo

Looks like a frappacino with whipped cream

close close ...

Iced latte

you only get one guess 😂😂

Oops. LoL. I got excited and forgot the rules

oopsie 😛

Cupcake with cream

Posted using Partiko Android

very close ..

Hehe.. cool

Posted using Partiko Android

Strawberry shortcake with whipped cream

super close ...

Chocolate ice cream with whipped cream. Love it.

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Whipped Cream on Coffee Ice Cream

so close ...

Going with Iced Coffee and whipped cream on top. But the dust storm is believable too😎

very very close ...

Fun Game @eaglespirit!! I guess whipped topping on pineapple 🍍

youre so healthy, even in your guesses ... close ... :)

fabulous one

Chocolate cake with whipped cream

close close close ...


almost! close close ...

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Brownie with whipped cream <333 #steemitbloggers :)

close close close!! thank you for participating ... :)

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Niiiiiicee hehee <333 :) Thank you for the opportunity...this is fun @eaglespirit

I dobt know how tou say it in english . We say it “kornet”

cone? no sorry ☹️

A close up of a Chocolate Mocha Mudslide Frappe?????



sorry my friend ... :(

I was pretty sure that I almost nailed it...

negative 😛

caramel cream pudding with whipped cream on it????

only one guess per entry 😆🍉

Apple cake with a whipped topping (Cool Whip)?

good guess but sorry ... close !!

Sweet Potato Pie!

no so sorry:(
no one got it yet! LOL

-Just tell us all-ready!