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RE: Guess How Many? #2

in #guesshowmany8 years ago

Older posts are recognised first if they have the answer, one try per person.

No upvoting your reply please.

I'm pretty sure the rule not to upvote was so it wouldn't screw the order of the comments up for OP.

If you wanna lecture me about comments needing more upvotes, I think you might have barked up the wrong tree. I've been mentioning comments not getting enough attention or having an incentive ever since July when they removed the rewards for them.

Have fun upvoting your alt accounts though.


You do realize you can sort comments to the order they were made right?

And that accusing me of having alt accounts makes you an ass?

Like another poster said, if I was using alt accounts I wouldn't upvote my own posts and draw attention to it.

Now can we get back to having fun instead of you pretending to be the Upvote Police?