Hi, this blog is about my life in Mexico.
전 두 아이를 키우는 엄마이구요
현제는 과달라하라에 거주합니다. 벌써 멕시코에 산지 14년째 접어드네요.
멕시코 생활, 육아, 요리에 관한 블로그입니다.
Hi, this blog is about my life in Mexico.
전 두 아이를 키우는 엄마이구요
현제는 과달라하라에 거주합니다. 벌써 멕시코에 산지 14년째 접어드네요.
멕시코 생활, 육아, 요리에 관한 블로그입니다.
I'm assuming your from Guadalahara? I think I'm going to be heading down to Aguas Calientes later this summer.
Yes, I've been here for 3 years.
Honestly I've never been in Aguas Calientes.
Where i can recommend is Puerto Vallarta. It's 4 hours away from here. There are many beach resorts. I love to visit there!
A friend of mine went to a little town somewhere outside of Puerto Vallarta, I don't recall the name. They got a great deal on an AirBNB place and it was like a tree house where every room had a balcony, really cool place. I'd love to go there.