Growth For Success ...... it's in everyone

If we are not growing we are slowly dying. Famous words from Abraham Maslow and whilst it is such a simple concept, it is so true and deep in meaning. If we are not looking to better ourselves in all aspects of our lives daily, we are stagnating. Think in the form of a seed. If a seed is not growing, it must be dying. The same can be said for human beings.

Focusing on self improvement has enabled me to find my true passion with my best friend. We are forming a healing centre in the Tasmanian forests and it will have a holistic approach to healing. This desire is now fast becoming a reality. Currently based in Adelaide I am now booked out with massage clients until the 7th of August, our coaching program has just been launched, we are in negotiations with a major real estate organisation around a corporate wellness package, where we will later be selling our blue print not just nationally, but internationally also and we are in the midst of finalizing our yoga inspired stretching program. 3 months ago, this wasn't even a dream, a seedling in my mind, no energy was put it towards it. Now all my energy is going into this incredible creation and the seed has become a seedling and is beginning to sprout the most beautiful green leaves one would hope to see after nurturing something with such care and precision.

Anyone can achieve their dreams. Anyone can have a burning desire. Anyone can have unshakable faith that their vision will become a reality. Remember my favourite quote, "what the mind can conceive and believe, the body will achieve".

You have the power. Plant your seed today. Nurture it and allow the gestation period time to take effect. As Napoleon Hill said, "there is a time for sowing and there is a time for reaping but you can't do both in the same period. You must allow the gestation period time to take effect".


Sounds like you two are forming quite the team.

We had 14 at the recent meetup in the city.
Be great to see you and Chris there on August 30. 6pm at The Jade on Flinders St
It'll be almost Spring so we'll be out in the garden :) @o07 is planning a trip to Tassie, and knows a few steemsters down that way. It's really energizing to meet up in person.

Thanks Matt, sounds great. We will see if we can make it. Thanks for your support.

Thanks Matt, sounds great. We
Will see if we can make it.
Thanks for your support.

                 - warriorwoman88

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