Nice article, this was exactly my problem for most of my life, I'd avoid pain as much as possible. Eventually it got to the point where I was even avoiding discomfort.
What it ended up doing was numbing me out, like I couldn't even feel, I was just trying to avoid it all, even if it wasn't that bad. Part of my spiritual practice these days is locating and addressing pain, just paying attention to it and rediscovering why I tried to cover the pain up
resteemed ya
There's that common theme again: learning from pain. This has been recurring for me all year - speaking to me. Think I'm starting to catch the hint.
I just resteemed your resteem. :P Every time I check my feed lately there's something from you at the top. Always good stuff, too.
Haha I try, I should be on here more doing my part in curating all the good stuff
You do plenty from what I can tell. You should be out there living so you can come back here and write all about what you've learned. ;)
This is really cool. Almost like doing a pain autopsy. I think when I feel hurt by something I often just try to focus on what I do want instead of exploring the negative. It's not until it repeatedly comes up in unavoidable ways that I agree to look deeper. I love your more proactive approach! I will definitely adopt something similar as I look to transform my relationship with pain.
Awesome, ya it has been hugely helpfully. And pain really shows itself in a number of ways too, emotional pain can reveal itself as physical pain or out of line posture(which seems to hide pain), so we can approach our pain from different angles and relieve it just the same. Pretty cool stuff, pain is our friend, just a misunderstood one
Hear, hear!