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RE: Splinterlands - The Growth Conundrum

in #growth3 years ago

Welcome to Splintertalk.

Finding a common ground for the splintered Splinterlands is dif⁸ficult, if not impossible. From the start, the game offered so many facets, it quickly attracted all sorts of people. I am here for the tokenomics and world building, an area Splinterlands has been leading long before others entered the field. It still dominates tokenomics, now more than ever. The potential for world building has always been there but is only now starting to show on the surface. Combined, that would probably be called web 3.0 and Metaverse, terms that were less common four years ago when it all begun. Both are standing on solid ground and constantly grow towards the sky. This will automatically attract people, who come for different reasons but stay because they will find something that does not exist in other crypto games yet.