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I noted it :
Problem :
We must not forget that the artists are the artists, not the person creating the latest hyped Spotify playlist. Giving premieres to Spotify (a tech company with a side interest in music) or Tidal (said to be owned by the artists but is actually owned by a set of multi millionaire artists). The premiere is great for the company but does it further the career of the artist?

Solution :
Steemit is the forward thinking option that gives you access to the world of blockchains. The tie in with blogging means that artists can describe their process for extra cash to boost their sales. It's clear that writing and premiering music on Steem can be incredibly effective - this post is the equivalent of an extra 2000 digital sales.

Perfect.... liket it ... you writing Cases and solutions
You have Root cause problem solving.
Thanks brother and remember, i have invite you than i hope you invite me too. Thanks.

Best regards


Me too I upvoted this, what instrument(s) do you play if any... following you...