Grow Food Not Lawns ~ Early June 2019

Potatoes Haven't Minded The Non-Stop Rain!

Though I'm thinking if it would have continued for much longer I would have some sad taters. I was looking and there is a bit of moss growing on their mounds in a couple places. Well not to fear, we've actually had sunshine the last 2 days! People everywhere in NS are feeling happy! (We had about a month straight of rain before this!!)

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Who needs a lawn when you can haz taterz!?! Boil em, mash em, stick em in a stew. I eat my "lawn" bro!

Lettuces & Kale Didn't Mind the Month of Rain Either!

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I always leave the thinning to the slugs first, once they have had their chance at the seedlings I then remove all but the biggest and hardiest looking lettuces. It is a sad day for any gardener to do the thinning (murdering our sweet babies) but it must be done, and must be done soon.

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She's talking about thinning again...hide your young!


Thin THIS!


Mr. Kale gives zero fucks.


The spinach seems well spaced. I love it's first leaves, they always look like happy waving arms to me! I have it planted in a very shady place, let's hope it doesn't bolt on me too early like usual, I have a bad time with spinach most years. If I screw it up I'll try again in the fall.

Sugar Peas

They also laugh in the face of dark days, rain and chilly temps.
Look at em go!


Ok, so like I said it's actually been sunny this last couple days, and I have been a very busy Hobbit outside getting the new garden beds ready, weeding, hauling soil and I haven't taken any pics. My triceps are sore AF today, which I welcome, it's been way too long since I got a work out. I'm heading back out now to continue getting BUFFED up, who needs a gym for a "summer body" when you #GrowFoodNotLawns :) <3

PS: This is my first post using the spankin' new Steem interface #PalNet: :) Can I get a hell yeah?! I am LOVING This! Are you on yet? Did you claim your #PalCoin? Get onto steem-engine and do it today!


Hey Lyndsay! Garden is looking good, welcome to palnet <3

Thanks for stopping by the yarden Julia!

Congrats to you and the whole team on the successful launch of #PalNet! I know you're working your butts off communicating with everyone and answering so many questions. You're doing a fine job! This place feels great!!

Thanks, it's been a bit crazy the last few days and I'm sure it will be for a while but I am happy with the reception!

Good to see you are working hard. lots of hard work going on here too. I taste those yummy vegetables already. mmmm. Who needs a GYM when we have homesteads. xx glad to see it stopped raining. :)))

What a lovely surprise visit from Mama Bowes! Nice to see you Steemin' today, and we're all loving the warm weather. I bet you're busy over there!! What you got on the go this week?

ya. no time for Steemit these days, but thought I might take a gander and see how your garden Is growing. Whats up these days. hmmm. planted lovely flowers in pots as always, weeded all the gardens around our sailboat patio, cleaned all the furniture from blankets of yellow pollen. But the nicest of all we are having a new roof put on. Half done today. Poor Joey Cat. Want to guess what colour it is? Starting from the top down, gonna make this so special.

Oooh sweet I can't wait to see the new roof, and it will definitely give you the motivation to make the rest match, yes, I know what colour, and I also know you'll do a better paint job than those people in that photo hehehee!!! It's gonna look SO Great!! So much green around your place, it's gonna pop!

I had a better picture but I could not get them to download. All you have to do is google paint my house black and poof you have a ton. The Roof is black on black or an arcitectual shingle. The roofer was recommended by a neighbour and they have having their house painted, so we may use those painters too. Way too much work for us to do so we will leave our painting skills to the inside. Sadly in this house you do not see much of the roof. But it will still pop with all the green. Oh and gee windows are in the radar. Guess what colour? lol

Guess what colour for the windows? I'm hoping clear!

I meant the trim of the window, the outside edge. but funny you are lol

I like the concept of growing food. I cannot wait for the day when I get a stable job, I will start saving then to build a small far, where I can grow my own food. I love this homesteady post! Good job!

Posted using Partiko Android

Ooh I hope you get on some land soon, best luck with your dreams coming true! Have you tried any container gardening in your urban setting? I know a few urban balcony gardeners, actually @phoenixwren is one of them, you should see his homestead in the sky!

Yay yardens!! So far none of my flower seeds have sprouted! ;.; Thankfully I still have Emmy and ivies, but most of the flower seeds were new and I still haven't seen any babies.
I mean, I try to keep an open mind because it was snowing and hailing a couple of weeks ago, but it's JUNE, so I am beginning to despair.
My acorns and hawthorn haven't shown their faces, either. Again, I try to be optimistic because maybe the oaks are dropping really deep tap roots, but ...waah, I see no babies!
So I need the vicarious little green baby love of your posts. <3

Ooh :'( Praying for your little seedies!!!! I'm keeping optimistic for you as well, I mean, look at your weather! I hope you get a really long summer there Phe, and everything blooms like crazy for you!!

Congrats, L! Looking good here.

My peas are coming nicely now, despite having to wait three weeks longer than usual to plant. Winter squash are in and doing well, too. No sign of carrots planted two weeks ago though...although I did use cheap Walmart seed. Never again!

Going to plant a ton of tomatoes soon...

HEHEHE I have to mention that you are the first person in my 38 years who has shortened my name to "L" and I like it.

I gave up on carrots this year, damn too much thinning and the patience to plant them properly is more than I can bear hahaha! The boys are upset though, I'll do em next year but needed a year off those bitches!

I really hope yours grow, stupid walmart indeed!

Happy to hear your winter squash is going well, I just planted some summer squash seeds yesterday.

Are your tomatoes transplants? I'm thinking yes, if your climate is similar to ours...

Hey...around these parts...the letter "L" stands for only one thing...LYNDSAY!

Yes, I have only planted the four (of 21) tomato plants that survived the last freeze when I thought they would be okay in the back of my pickup with the top down and tailgate up. Bought 21 more, and they are just now into their big pots where they'll stay at least another week before going in the ground.

You should plant winter squash each year, L....butternut, Hubbard, butter cup. When you harvest them and give them a diluted bleach bath they last all winter long! Those are the crops I give priority to...carrots being another...Things I can can or keep all winter.

You go gurl!

Those sprouts look great and you are on your way to some good food. My tomatoes and peppers and cucumbers and such are looking a little scrawny and short because of the lack of warmer temps and rain. Hopefully they will be inspired at the arrival of the sun.

I wouldn’t have known it was a post made on the new interface unless you mentioned it. I have to check out the Palnet interface today. Double rewards!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Oooh yeah you're good you're good, those seedlings will go BOOM real soon and you won't know what to do with all of your produce, or you will, but it will be a lot of work hehehe!!

I'll be looking forward to seeing you in my FEED on #palnet!! All you have to do to show up there is use #palnet as one of your tags, doesn't matter what front end you post from.

Love gardening.. but weeds sometimes get the better of me....

That's when we need to seek the medicinal kind of weeds... hehehe :D

I hate not having the garden going this year. But, with only 1 week left before I move back to Nova Scotia, it's a sacrifice that must be made. No point doing all the work without being able to reap the benefits. Hopefully, I can get a few things started that will do fine a little later once I get into the new house - but it's low on the priorities this year.

Oh my goodness, moving here, that's terrific! Whereabouts?

To the valley - in Auburn.

You'll definitely be able to get a crop of peas off I'd imagine! Best of luck on your move, I hope the transition goes smoothly and it's all you could ever dream of!

Rain is always better than no rain haha though I have known times and places in the world where it just goes on and on and on for weeks haha Then I do miss the sunshine. Your little plants are looking good.....palnet you say? OMG thanks I am NOT on it yet.... on my way to check it out right now! Bless you Lyndsay have a BEAUTIFUL day - loads of love to you xxxx

You are so right Sis, I will take a month of rain over a drought any day! Our well is brimming with water :) As is everyone else's in the area. Nothing worse than running out of drinking water!!

Here is an all you need to know article about PALnet and also detailed description on how to claim your tokens! >>>>>>

Yay nice one, I just did my first post there . xxxxxx

AwwwYAY!!!!!!! I'll be right over hehehe!

Who needs a lawn when you can haz taterz!?! Boil em, mash em, stick em in a stew. I eat my "lawn" bro!

My taters are finally out in the yard after all the rain here too. They had grown so many huge sprouts waiting on my porch that I thought they'd peter out once in the ground but to my surprise, they're growing faster than I ever saw a spud grow :~)

Hopefully they're making babies down below, or I'll need to keep buying those less tender and flavorful Super Market varieties.

Cheers to (hopefully) a big, delicious harvest for you!

I had quite long sprouts on my taters this year too before I planted em, I'll have to go take a little peek in a couple weeks for some baby taters...hopefully what's beneath matches what's above here too!

Ooh, lovely taters! They're looking good, and so are the peas!
My taters are starting to come up now also. :-)

Looking good Gurl...
New season new healthy food so happy for you 😘

Posted using Partiko Android

its so fresh ,, i love that

your garden is looking so amazing! We have started things in the greenhouse, but we don't have anything in the ground yet. Be well.

Building Ourselves - One Block at a time

