dutchDo not take offense , but 3 days latter ( 1/29/2018 @ 11:46pm PST and you posted @ 1/27/2018 @ 4:58pm EST i think as its not UST ) and still " (Block Difficulty < 0.35 (0.08764305) " and we will go threw the same cycle where it goes and replays the blockchain. I may be old , and I may not social media but I do research and monitor things and with that said gridcoinstats.eu is the website I use more often than Google. Daily checking my mag depending on situation and project status and hardware changes etc. Unfortunately this has been a constant issue and we the community per threw the foundation have donated lots of money for the fountain that you some how are in cahoots and funneling new users MUST SIGN UP AT GRCPOOL monopoly kickdown vs just giving them the damn .023 or someit to make them happy with their .003grc after the beacon. lol. Thank god https://gridcoin.ch doesn't discriminate and I am sure if http://gridcoin.science wont add a faucet because wont ever pull the stick out his ass. Anyways now that I have made you hate me more , I cant tell if this is startail or someone else as he/she was/had not been on freenode and since our wonderful team leader shunned me I have wanted to report #1 www.gridcoinstats.eu/news's steemit scraper has not worked since 8/2018 for one thing and only the project news updates since you are using a wallet with a boinc client on the machine with all WL projects attached to auto add project news updates. I have noticed you focus on Asia , and Customminer was always focusing on Asia when asking for nodes since my 1rst day of offering to rack a dedicated dual xeon dell 3rd gen pe2950 a year and a half ago. Linode has been around a while but is more suited and modeled around the IRC shell and Bouncer/Eggdrop market same as Ramnode and both have been around for decades and are like any other openVZ/KVM host ( I am one too ) with that said I am offering some resources to hopefully help expand what I call the Gridcoin Looking Glass as I have always said http://gridcoinstats.eu is a value added asset to Gridcoin and the community in a whole especially with homeboy gridcoinresearchcorp dropping the ball. I always see 3 out of 4 nodes synced in the corner , I had a great AWS free the free tier with awesome peering to Japan and I pay attention to routes. I have just grabbed a list of the top Japan , China and Hong Kong DNS servers to addresses to run latency and network peering tests and would like to know what other possible areas of the country you are looking to expand the strength of your node grid for stats along with the network itself would be useful. I have multiple racks and half racks here in the Seattle and Tacoma Washington USA areas and we are the largest Asian ports in the USA. If interested in more , email admin@dopeshit.net or join the irc.efnet.org #gridcoin channel and I would love to see if we can help with stability of your site , also hope to see a live real updated real time news page!
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Looking at steemJS and it seems simple enough to work with. An implementation of steem posts shouldn't be to far off.