A billi, a billi, a billi, a billi, a bi a bi a billi...

Celebrating 1,000,000,000 credits today!
Accumulated more credit than % of all BOINC combined without ASIC Users: 99.98035%
Here are our best 10 days for credit on BOINC:
We had a top 10 day in September! They are certainly becoming more rare as time passes.
Mod your cases for better airflow and be as cool as me! No pun intended.
Make sure you're earning Gridcoin on whitelisted BOINC projects. Click the wallet below to get started!

Shout out to Willy de Zutter for running the BOINCstats website. Help out with server costs here.Shout out to @moisesmcardona for his BOINC stat update posts.