Gridcoin: 0 Magnitude? Updates Here

in #gridcoin8 years ago (edited)

Magnitude 0.jpg

Update 2:

Here's a log from the testnet a few days ago that demonstrates what's happening:

Note how there are connection problems to several of the projects. This happens every once in a while as projects update or change server information or just you know the internet. It's not that big of a deal. Notice how the total synced projects is 37 out of 43. That's pretty low compared to normal (which would be 43 of 43).

Now, with this last superblock, the sync count was 2. This means that only two projects were recognized during this superblock. This means that all the GRC produced by BIONCing is distributed to CPID's(people) associated with those two projects. This is... frustrating, to say the least. GRC was a much smaller community when this happened in the past. As such, development priority was given to larger scale projects -- projects like the recent wallet update and the upcoming unlocking of BOINC team requirments, for example. It would be my guess that this fix might now be moving toward to the top of the list.

As it would be difficult to guarantee 100% connection to all projects at all times, the issue appears to center around how Magnitude is calculated. If Magnitude factored in Magnitudes from previous blocks, the disruption would be drastically minimized, for example. There are several immediate and long term fixes already being discussed. If you'd like to join the conversation head over to one of the many community platforms. I will try to relay updates here to steemit as they become available.

The current situation will most likely be remedied within 48 hours of the last super block created (created 10 hours ago at the time of this update), however until a fix is implemented, recurrence remains a threat.

Update 1:

This issue has to do with the GRC Superblock. So, what is the superblock?

GRC is unique in that it communicates through a blockchain (GRC Client) while utilizing the BOINC platform. The superblock, essentially, is the block that ties the two platforms together. It is produced about once a day. Inside its walls are the CPIDs of new users (you know how you have to wait after getting GRC to get a CPID? this is why), and the amount of work users have done since the last superblock was spawned.

Once in a while (very rarely), there will be a connection error between some aspects of BOINC and the GRC nodes. That is where we are at right now.

More information to come.

More details about the backend of GRC can be found in this tutorial by @sc-steemit.

A very small bug regarding superblocks that has cropped up before has appeared again. Follow this thread for updates as we get them. For live discussion, join us on slack!
If you get an error after submitting your e-mail, check your e-mail anyway. The invite is there.

This issue is known and a permanent fix is being developed.
This issue in the past has had no direct effect on a user's interaction with the client or with BOINC.
This issue does not threaten any GRC.
This issue in the past has resolved itself within 48 hours.

For the moment, you can continue to secure the blockchain by staking, though you will not receive rewards for the time your magnitude is at 0. You can also lock your wallet and return to staking after your magnitude has returned to normal. This will ensure you do not lose any stake you would have otherwise gained.

NOTE: Locking your wallet reduces the overall health of the blockchain. As this bug in the past has been temporary and short lived, it is recommended that you continue staking.

Slack Chat


This should hopefully be resolved by tommorow.

Thanks for the information! Good to see it on steemit and reddit. All user should know about that!

'This issue in the past has had no direct effect on users'

Some miners are about to be paid out an excessive amount of GRC that was meant to be distributed among other miners though...

You're right -- I mean to say your GRC are safe and there is no need for any user to change anything regarding their process for BOINCing (projects etc.) and client. I will make that clearer.

Does that mean they'll see a large payout most of which will later be 'clawed back' from them ?

Update 1:

This issue has to do with the GRC Superblock. So, what is the superblock?

GRC is unique in that it communicates through a blockchain (GRC Client) while utilizing the BOINC platform. The superblock, essentially, is the block that ties the two platforms together. It is produced about once a day. Inside its walls are the CPIDs of new users (you know how you have to wait after getting GRC to get a CPID? this is why), and the amount of work users have done since the last superblock was spawned.

Once in a while (very rarely), there will be a connection error between some aspects of BOINC and the GRC nodes. That is where we are at right now.

More information to come.

More details about the backend of GRC can be found in this tutorial by @sc-steemit.

Update 2:

Here's a log from the testnet a few days ago that demonstrates what's happening:

Note how there are connection problems to several of the projects. This happens every once in a while as projects update or change server information or just you know the internet. It's not that big of a deal. Notice how the total synced projects is 37 out of 43. That's pretty low compared to normal (which would be 43 of 43).

Now, with this last superblock, the sync count was 2. This means that only two projects were recognized during this superblock. This means that all the GRC produced by BIONCing is distributed to CPID's(people) associated with those two projects. This is... frustrating, to say the least. GRC was a much smaller community when this happened in the past. As such, development priority was given to larger scale projects -- projects like the recent wallet update and the upcoming unlocking of BOINC team requirments, for example. It would be my guess that this fix might now be moving toward to the top of the list.

As it would be difficult to guarantee 100% connection to all projects at all times, the issue appears to center around how Magnitude is calculated. If Magnitude factored in Magnitudes from previous blocks, the disruption would be drastically minimized, for example. There are several immediate and long term fixes already being discussed. If you'd like to join the conversation head over to one of the many community platforms. I will try to relay updates here to steemit as they become available.

The current situation will most likely be remedied within 48 hours of the last super block created (created 10 hours ago at the time of this update), however until a fix is implemented, recurrence remains a threat.

Update 3: Final Update

The Superblock, she has been found. Connections stable, mag returned.

Happy BOINCing happy Staking!