We need media for twitter!
We need images that we can post with very important tweets that will increase the likelihood a follower notices the post. The two images we need right now are:
Updates - This image will be used with tweets that mention client updates. It should draw the user's attention and convey the message, with or without text, that there has been a client update.
Development Polls - This image will be used with tweets that mention critical development polls. It should draw the user's attention and convey the message, with or without text, that there is an important poll the user should learn about and vote on.
We may need others in the future, so keep an eye out for more bounties!
What We Need
Twitter can sometimes be a hectic place. I'm sure many of us have missed tweets that we wish we hadn't. The idea of these images is to draw the viewer's attention to the tweet so they are more likely to notice and read the tweet.
For inspiration, look around the steemit and the community github, particularly at the fine work of @joshoeah and @wisecracka.
Images should be between 440 x 220 and 1024 x 512 pixels and convey the idea of the sought after bounty. They do not need to display any text, though they can.
The Bounty
I offer 150 GRC for each image.
The bounty addresses are:
If anyone wishes to add to the bounty, you are more than welcome to send them to these addresses or set up your own!
EDIT: All SBD made from this post will be converted into GRC and added to the bounty. Thanks for the idea, @grider123!
How to Submit
To submit an image, comment on the steemit OR reddit post with a way to view your image. You can submit multiple images, however only one of your images can make it into the final poll.
The submission period will be 7 days starting after the creation of the steemit and reddit posts which will be posted at the same time.
There will be two 7 day polls made 1-2 days after the close of the submission period. One for each needed image. The top 5 up-voted posts (by number, not money earned) from each thread will be included in each poll. Only one submission per person can be included for each poll.
To clarify, there will be a maximum of 10 images to vote on for each poll, with a maximum of 5 taken from steemit and 5 taken from reddit.
The winner of each poll will receive the bounty for that image and get to see their image used on the gridcoinnetwork twitter for important tweets!
Current Bounty Values:
150 - Jringo
Update Total: 150
Development Poll
150 - Jringo
Development Poll Total: 150
Additional Notes
Make sure you clearly mark which bounty your image is for. Either "Updates" or "Development Poll".
If you offer a bounty, be sure to clarify which image your bounty is for. Also, be sure to list the address that is holding the bounty funds.
If you have any questions, please ask.
The original github thread for this bounty can be found here.
Happy crafting and good luck!
I'm always a fan of minimalism, so if there's a post saying there's a client update, I think something like this would convey the message quite well:

Additionally, people seem to link arrows to updates, so there's also this:
I really like the second one. The font spacing is great and the addition of the arrow to the Gridcoin icon gives the icon's presence there more purpose.
@jringo I know you talked about how only one image can get to the poll, but if you want I can design another image/few images like the ones above for the development polls?
Go for it!
It's one image per poll. So this would be your submission for the client update poll. You're welcome to submit for the developer poll... poll... as well.
I try:

woah those look cool!
Thnx :)
How about adding what you earn with this post to the bounty? As I did with the faucet post. With the current price of steem it will get some GRC :)
Excellent idea! I will do just that.
I'll add this to the post ASAP
Finally got around to it
Those are very simple images that could be used for both purposes, if i did not misunderstood this post.
Let's vote!
and vote

Time to update!

How about paying the artist who has already done so much work for Gridcoin for free? Am I missing something here?
You don't. I completly agree with you. He should be paid as he's work is very valuable for us.
We have the chance to bring more people into the active community. Let's use it.
I have offered to pay josh in the past. He denied payment.
Before starting this friendly community competition, I asked if he wanted to make one of these. He said he was too busy.
I helped in the design process of the new brand and logo with Josh, I respect him and his work immensely.
The key here is community building.
This is a small project, do not think Josh wouldn't be the first person sought after for large projects.
It's kinda impolite to ask people "hey do you want me to pay you". I would refuse that too. If my work is appreciated, then the community will approve it through an official vote, I don't want to rely on someone else's kindness.
Joint Marketing Initiative is seeking to establish such a fund, to pay professional designers for their professional work.Regarding Josh's work, his donation address is visible to anyone in his posts (@joshoeah). Other than that, the other polite thing to do is to propose an "official payment" i.e. from the Foundation and vote for it. My
The key here is community building. Small project anyone can participate in.