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RE: Windows users: help the Gridcoin network to make a new superblock (waiting for >7 days)

in #gridcoin8 years ago

Got Windows wallet installed directly after V8 and running 24/7 with it. Iam sorry that I can not do more. Do I need to tinker with the configuration? Because I currently iam only having 8 connections to gridcoin network ...


You need as it's the only one capable of producing a superblock after the mag boost removal.

Neither increasing connection or enabling listen, nor deleting the peers file (that is actually harmful) will increase your chances to make a superblock/block.
And sadly, there are no benefits to you in running "full node", but it can help the network a bit.

Thanks for clarifying.

  • you can allow via command line more connections (e.g. -maxconnections),
  • or you could run a full node (see fedi: !listen)

Try deleting the peers file.

What benefit do you get for increasing connections?

Are there any disadvantages? increased bandwidth usage, less secure etc?