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RE: 1 Millionth Block Commemorative Coin goes to... block 999998... pomegranate-! An update.

in #gridcoin7 years ago (edited)

No , the typical " shrug it off is NOT the way to handle this , its not the way to handle any of the shit as we have in the past , forks and black swans etc. We are a damn Financial Institution and do you think this is how things are supposed to be handled? Yes going forward is great but how to avoid apparently out dev team from making horrible choices for US without our say as normally something would have a vote " do we let tomasb hack gridcoin , and if we do do we care if he does it as many times and when ever he wants and lol about it. You also you have to step back and take a look and in total Tomas's actions have been 100% destructive since July 5th when I started dropping his CPID in #gridcoin to show the 12k GRC blackswan to his CPID and what about the 36k ( ) the 12k is gone from his history along with after the 36k a 30k withdrawl that others saw too so can he do more to Gridcoin that we dont know about and did that all get given back? I mean if he was working with the dev's it should have been or was that his treat for hacking all the users PoR twice now and fucking everything up and causing this current magnitude issue along with the false new user influx. Per governing how about finally forming a real Gridcoin foundation with checks and balances and that goes for not just what money goes where from the foundation but what the dev's do and the way and direction Gridcoin heads. Yes we have a vote system , but anyone can make a vote they don't have to be honored. I tell you what , lets take the first step and stop this blackhat shit right now , people already got very little compensation via Gridcoin for their Boinc contributions and now its way way less thanks to this. So cheers to TomasCoin! - Yes go to slack the latest myspace and when the next facebook comes out move there.. IRC has been around since 1988 , 1991 if you want to go with more than just a few users and its not going anywhere its long known freenode is the chat support medium for opensource projects just the people that run #gridcoin dont know how to use it properly. Slack is crap.