Updated my wallet.
I'm waiting on the latest SB to arrive since I split some hosts that were into the pool to solo for the voting rights.
Too bad I missed the mag boost :) but there are worse things in life.
Updated my wallet.
I'm waiting on the latest SB to arrive since I split some hosts that were into the pool to solo for the voting rights.
Too bad I missed the mag boost :) but there are worse things in life.
Yeah, "bad luck", the +35% mag boost is ongoing since 46 days now (6 days of it actually due to the buggy SB)
You are actually not missing anything. The mag boost's removal was met with a near instant rise of the dynamic mag_unit from 0.175 to 0.25, which defines your daily mint per unit of mag. The end result is that your payout for research is actually higher than it was before the superblock.
Yeah I noticed that too in the pool calculations.