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RE: Hardware and Project Selection Part 2 - GPU Projects

in #gridcoin8 years ago

You found one for $70!? If I was in the USA, I would buy that. Petty shipping to NZ costs an arm and a leg. I can't think of any other hardware that even comes close to $0.50/mag...

Fantastic to see older hardware being put back to use instead of being sent off to the scrap heap.


I am not from the USA either, but you can find them for cheap everywhere. I stockpiled 9 of them already :)

Of course, when buying used hardware, one has to be extra careful. To obtain mag 150, BOINC will have to load it very hard - it's worth paying double, if the card was never overclocked or seldom used. If it's on its last legs, with "an artefact or two" better steer clear, cause BOINC will wreck it completely.

If it shows an artifact or two it is already broken, just hasn't realized it :D

"No, it's only when it's cold, you know, it's the power circuitry, it works best when it's warmed up or something like that. Anyways, I can play BF1 at 60fps with that puppy, it's a great card, it is... yes OK, 60 bucks then?"

You may be able to repair it by overheating it even more, the molten metal then connects the problematic pieces together again.

Yes, that is possible. I don't recommend trying it though ^^ I just know it from one type of card where the solder stuff (which flows at lower temps then the rest) could really re-flow and make cards work again.
The guy used a microwave I think.

The guy used a microwave I think

I'm dying.