Is there a GUI for gridcoin where I earn interest on the gridcoin i mine from the projects I take part in?
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Is there a GUI for gridcoin where I earn interest on the gridcoin i mine from the projects I take part in?
This post contains links to the wallet software. Please see for guides to getting started. I would highly suggest opting to join the pool, unless you are planning on buying at minimum a few thousand GRC to start Solo.
That is BS and the site is a monopoly pool being that is is the only pool since Katiee shut down and the source code on github is 90% you have to build your own off of that thus it was a useless amount the foundation paid for a partially built product keeping back the rest to make it so others could throw up some gridcoin pools and 0 have poped up thats to the community leadership paying for partial code. Luckily also unlike the gridcoin foundation funded faucet @ that will not give you free GRC to start out but we do now have that is a wide open faucet for all users not forcing new team members to use grcpool and earning the host all the interest and then some. Nobody does anything for free within Gridcoin it seems a very greedy community and don't go thinking BGB isn't covering overhead to pay for his vps and then put money in his own pocket , money that if you were crunching solo would go in your piggy bank. I started with 0 GRC and have not invested but the electricity.
Let me give you some stats on how much the faucet is rewarding the community over the course of the year.
Since the beginning the faucet has sent out a total of 60,000 GRC to over 119 000 outputs.
15 069 Unique Wallet Addresses have received a claim for over +1400 CPIDs.
During the initial startup of rewarding users the page did receive a one time donation from the foundation funds for handing out to users, which was 20 000 GRC. Something that is now well spent and gone!
Stop your false accusations. The faucet on is not funded by the foundation funds! It's funded by our generous members of the community.
You can use the website and they figure that out for you! Additionally there are a few recently added websites since Gridcoin is an open-source open-community project and there is no real official website BUT along with have a bunch of guides. The numbers are not static so its always changing. So just look up your cpid/username and at either those first 2 sites ( block explores ). I hope that helps.
P.S. you do not mine Gridcoin its not something you are searching for or helping build you earn Gridcoin by processing work units from Gridcoin Whitelisted projects. I agree about the guides on Gridcoin and maybe read threw cryptocoin talk , youtube etc along with joining the irc community @ #gridcoin and/or join the Gridcoin slack channel.