Importance of The Heart Over The Mind. The Feel, Think and Be Guided by Our Hearts

According to this world renowned scientist - Gregg Braden; if you would like to change your reality, start changing our hearts. More so importantly, change the way you feel. The human heart is the strongest biological generator of electrical field and magnetic field in the human body. The heart has the ability to change the fields of our reality. Each of us really is powerful, able and participant in creating our reality.Harmony.jpg

If your heart has even very little of sorrow, anger, frustration, grief, worry, envy, jealousy, scarcity, worry about what others are thinking, loneliness, sorrow and despair, mistrusting; never expect to have a pleasant reality.

The good news is there are only two primary emotions: fear and love. So basic and so profound, that most of us let this slip through our day to day consciousness. This shows obviously how simplistic and significant it is to choose love in whatever we focus, pay attention and desire to experience in our lives.

Disclaimer: The following statements are only a suggestion, advice and wisdom tidbits. Reader discretion is advised. Try it and see for yourself what will happen.

Do not operate from a belief, feeling or internal place of lack, scarcity and fear. Feel, act and live from love. It is all up to you. Love or fear. It's your choice.

Kindly check out this link for more in-depth-knowledge from this world renowned scientist