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in #greetersguild7 years ago (edited)

@enginewitty, already doing that. I don't rightly need a bunch of guys saying the same thing, I get what the issue is and I have been working on resolving it. I'm not trying to commandeer anyone's group or do anything damaging. Working on a resolution as we speak.


You seem to have a understanding that you are hard done by to have to change that name at least that is what I pick up on your last reply. But yet @rhondak and @gmuxx have worked extemely hard to build that reputation, I read your comments and you seem to think that other people are making this a big deal, their not and to be frank a little apology to them would not go a miss, connecting with them on a friendly basis and seeing what they have done and what you both could do in the future, would be and could be amazing for all writers.

@crazybgadventure, I'm not making a stink about it, I'm in the process of changing. I understand their concerns. It was just the approach, which was rather blunt and arrogant, that rubbed me and some others wrong. But to each their own. It was a misunderstanding, we can all move on. I plan on an apology once the situation is resolved, but there is no need until it has reached complete resolution. I'm not the type to take from others, or be confrontational for no reason. I understand their gripe, and am working on resolving it, as any decent person in a leadership position would do. Thanks for your concern and input, I'm glad to resolve the issue.

@greetersguild, I feel for you, it's difficult to fix the problem if your energy and time are being drained by tending to comments that are repeating the same arguments.

I am not associated with either group; I understand the facts in the overstated list of grievances. Some things may be fixed, but broken ties are sometimes a blessing in disguise, a gift instead of a curse.

I doubt that either group will suffer significantly, this exchange of words has been a great teaching piece for me, and probably many others. Your transparency is appreciated.

Thanks buddy. Perhaps since you are already using the Greeter's Guild, you can go with something in that fashion, Like The Writer's Guild maybe. Though I would check to see about that too.

Or hey maybe The Greeter's Guild Swords? Because, you know, the pen is mightier than the sword ;) Lotta different ways to go with it.

LOL I actually like that. Would likely confuse the Hell out of someone though. Working on a new one, likely just go with Writer's Guild, which seems to be available.