Drinking Green Tea, Very benefit for Health

in #green7 years ago

I’m a coffee drinker, and I often feel guilty about my love for the bean when I hear about the benefits of green tea. Green tea is the most popular tea drank worldwide, and in the last two decades, it has gained popularity in the west. Green tea undergoes the least amount of processing compared to black tea, thus it contains more antioxidants.


Green tea is produced using unfermented leaves and apparently contains the most astounding centralization of effective cancer prevention agents called polyphenols. Cancer prevention agents are substances that rummage free radicals — harming mixes in the body that modify cells, mess with DNA (hereditary material), and even reason cell passing… Many researchers trust that free radicals add to the maturing procedure and in addition the advancement of various medical issues, including malignancy and coronary illness. Cell reinforcements, for example, polyphenols in green tea can kill free radicals and may lessen or even help keep a portion of the harm they cause.

From weight loss to cancer, there are many benefits to drinking green tea. Here are five health benefits of drinking green tea that have been proven in correlation studies:

Clinical examinations have demonstrated green tea anticipates numerous sorts of malignancies, and there is research to help polyphenols may really execute disease cells and capture their development. Bladder, bosom, ovarian, colorectal, esophageal, lung, pancreatic, prostrate, skin, and stomach growths have all appeared to be emphatically influenced by green tea.

2.Heart disease: Natural News reports:
Research at the Graduate School of Medicine in Kyoto, Japan confirmed that green tea polyphenols can protect a heart from oxidative stress, as well as maintain good left ventricular function after ischemic arrest (restriction in the heart’s blood supply) and reperfusion (tissue damage caused when the blood supply returns).

3.Type 2 diabetes:
Green tea consumption “may improve glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity in individuals with diabetes.” In studies, it has been shown to help our bodies make better use of glucose.

4.Weight Loss:
Drinking green tea supports the body's digestion. The polyphenols likewise enable consume to fat. The World's Healthiest Foods clarifies:
A human report, distributed in the January 2005 issue of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, affirms green tea's capacity to diminish muscle to fat ratio, as well as harm to LDL cholesterol also. Following 12 weeks of drinking only one container of green tea every day, 38 typical to-overweight men in Tokyo had an essentially bring down body weight, BMI, midriff outline, muscle to fat ratio mass and measure of subcutaneous fat contrasted with men given a jug of oolong tea every day.

5.Cognitive improvement:
Senior citizens that drink green tea have demonstrated increased mental abilities. Also, green tea may protect the brain from forming plaque deposits found in Alzheimer’s disease and reduce memory loss.

Green tea has astounding medical advantages, however what amount do you have to drink? Studies have differed on utilization levels from one to three containers, and almost no examination has been done on the advantages of green tea for youngsters. Whatever the sum, a little green tea in your eating regimen is certain to have some beneficial outcome.


good post. green tea lover here, i do love it any time of the day...

Green tea has always been the better option. It's just sad the hectic nature of life pushes us to caffeine.

Yes off course and thanks

Very good, I'll check around for this green tea.