What is the Great Reset?

in #greatreset3 years ago

In simplicity it is a lie.

As usual those who wish to control you and those who believe that they own your soul, are making false promises again.

They promise you that you will be happy while "owning nothing" (anotherwords you will be enslaved to them in rental debt and they expect you to worship them). The reality is they are trying to trick you again. Their plan is to own everything, while you own nothing. Their plan is to be worshiped by you. They already worship themselves. The arrogance makes such very obvious.

A clear knowledge of their plans may perhaps keep you from walking off the ledge.

Know where the ledge is, and keep yourself alive so that you may bring the truth to others that they may be spared from entering hell under despots in this world. For such is worse than death.

Watch the below video to get some in-depth knowledge about what is going on in our world today...

It is education for all who want a good future. Learning about what is going on will give you a chance to survive and thrive, as opposed to being destroyed.

Happening Now featuring Charlie Kirk (March 2022)

Real Life with Jack Hibbs

Jack Hibbs Charlie Kirk 322022.pnghttps://www.rumble.com/vwbe09-happening-now-featuring-charlie-kirk-march-2022.html