What are the steps to greatness?

in #greatness7 years ago
  1. Vision and Dreams:
    Abraham, Isaac, Joseph and David travelled on a particular path to greatness in their respective lives. They manifested some character, attributes or traits that ensured greatness in their lifetimes. The first of such attributes id dream. God revealed greatness to Abraham and Joseph through dreams. Abraham saw uncountable stars which were to represent his children. Joseph dream about sheaves sun, moon and eleven stars bowing for him. At the time they dreamt those dreams were nothing. What are your dreams? Greatness involves dreaming big. Great people are motivated by dreams which are beyond their capacity to fulfill. Pursue your dreams and you will get there in Jesus name.

  2. Diligence:
    proverbs 22:29 says “seest thou a man diligent in his business, he shall stand before kings, he shall not stand before mean men” Diligence means being careful and persistent in whatever one does. A diligent person cannot be discouraged by any barrier. He is ready to pursue his/her goal to the end. The first quality noticeable in David is that he was very skillful in playing musical instruments for the worshippers. True and diligent worship of God sets you on the path of greatness.

  3. Desire:
    How does a man experience greatness? For one to great, he must desire to be great. Desire is borne out of need and dissatisfaction with your present status. Desire is what gives birth to miracles. Mark 11:24 says “Therefore I say unto you, what things so ever ye desire and ye shall have them” Hope and wish are different from definite desire. Wishing will not lead to greatness. People with a strong desire to be great know that every setback is a blessing. You must desire to be great because greatness is your heritage. Psalm 37:4 says “Delight thyself also in the lord, and he shall give thee the desire of thine heart”

  4. Obedience:
    Obedience means your willingness to do what God has instructed you to do. Abraham obeyed God when God instructed him to get out his country [certainty] and to go to a land that he was yet to show him [uncertainty]. Obedience is doing anything God asked you to do regardless of its cost and consequences. God has promise greatness if only we can obey his commandment. [Deut. 28:1-13] you should therefore respect the principle of obedience if you desire to be great.

  5. Faith:
    [Job 13:15-16] faith is a vital key to greatness. What you do not believe, you cannot be empowered to become. Luke 1:45 says “And blessed is she that believed, for there shall be a performance of those things which were told her from the lord”. Abraham, Isaac, Joseph, David, Jesus Christ and Paul had unshakeable faith in God on their way to greatness. Faith in God is the only solution to failure. God has promised us greatness and his promises for us are yea Amen. Have faith in God don`t quit even if there are minor delays or you run into seasons of contradiction. The just shall become great in faith.

  6. Prayers and fasting:
    Spiritual greatness depends on prayer and fasting. You engage in spiritual warfare through prayer and fasting to destroy and remove all obstacles and barriers on your way to greatness. [Isaiah 58:6-10]

  7. Finally Patience:
    Patience is another ingredient of greatness. Patience means waiting on the Lord for the time to come pass.

Joseph waited for 13yrs
Moses- 40yrs
Our lord Jesus- 30yrs
God has a reason for His timing. It might take a long but it will surely happen if God as ordained it [Hebrew 10: 35-39]. The time of waiting is a time of preparation. Preparation precedes greatness. Can someone become a boxing champion overnight? Neither do you become a great man in one day it takes time to achieve greatness. Be patient!

In conclusion you must have an attitude that believes that with God all things are possible. In addition, you should honour God because he is the source of greatness. When you honour him, this will help you to tap into the covenant of grace, wisdom, empowerment, humility and anointing for greatness.


Father, arise and do a quite work on my life in Jesus name.
Father, please connect me with my divine helper in Jesus name
Every chain of limitation in my life, break in Jesus name
Father let your favour locate me today from the four corners of the earth IJN.