Attackers and Trolls who hinder Truth Part 2! Misconceptions about Steemit as a place to earn rather than organize content for Truth Tellers!

in #greatawakening7 years ago (edited)

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This is part 2 to of a steemit post I did yesterday concerning attackers on reddit when I posted a summary of the situation and this link

When I shared it out in reddit, with the petition link in the first comment, in case people didn't need any additional info from my steemit post, I was immediately attacked and accused of trying to profit off of my steemit. Here is part 1 of the attacks, other commenters and my appalled response.

This post will cover attacker 1's response and my defense. I never realized my character in trying to spread truth on a voluntary basis would result in such vicious attacks. I realize it comes with the territory and I have to ignore it over all. This time, as a human, enough was enough. So I made myself sit down and pen (now days tap out) my feelings. Following is the attacker's response to my first defense where he still implies I am making money on steemit.

Attacker 1
The main issue isn't making money off of your writing. It's completely fine to make money off of whatever you do. But you seem to post frequently about topics and always link to your steemit articles. Not only is that constant self-promotion, but it's spam. To use this sensitive subject to not only promote yourself, but also make a petition when there is already one, is what angers me personally. That is what I have a problem with and the fact that it's on steemit is just icing on the cake of annoyance.

My Response:
Since you clearly have no conceptual grasp of how steemit works for those who simply need a place to organize or keep all of their research and reports in one place ( and have been asked to do so), I will cut you some slack. Your obvious agenda is to attack and dissuade me from sharing truth. Otherwise you would just pass over mine and go on to another post where you can gain more reddit currency. Then again, my goal is to share and connect truth, not use negativity and a condescending attitude against those Sharing truth.

I don’t owe you an explanation. Yes, I do realize I don’t need to respond in the same manner you didn’t need to attack. I’ve been told by good people on the Good Side not to feed the trolls, and here I am giving a HUGE second helping. I’m used to people trying to get me to just go away. In spite of the hatred, I am still here and still spreading the Truth that people Don’t want to hear. Sorry for Soros. Perhaps you’ll get a bonus for taking up so much of my time. What is the pay now. $35, $40 an hour and an extra 25 if you get someone long winded and willing to defend themselves like me? Is that why you need paragraphs? Are they paid by the paragraph? I know for a fact many of Soros and SA’s funds have been confiscated so I guess everyone knows those payments won’t last long and their pulling out all the stops.

Part of the Great Awakening is to get people to see connections. Everything connects somewhere and it is a vast amount of info. The kind most don’t want to wade through, but some will if it is laid out for them in one place. I have been asked by many to please write about it when possible, rather than just put a link. I’ve also been told when I can’t find the original source link, but content is good I have to put it on another platform first. Some Good people out there have specifically told me they don’t have time to watch the video (whether mine or someone else) and they want more info (just a brief summary in some cases) about petitions, links and topics that they just wish to read. It’s the age old, “cant make everyone happy!” I simply summarize and get it out there. Or I just use it as a springboard to get truth out there and manageable from one place. I used to do it Your preferred way, then I took people’s requests and suggestions to heart. I DID just give the link to the petition itself in first comment. Why is it my fault you went off on your steemit tangent of hate and animosity towards me rather than using your eyes? Hasn’t your teacher taught you to look at everything first?

Just as on reddit, my steemit posts connect other people’s news articles, vids or bits of info all together. It is an efficient use of time to put all in one place then share it out to various platforms. Unless you do this, you have No idea how this works and clearly don’t care as long as you can slam those you hate. I assume you use reddit to patrol other’s posts and drop your own bits of comments and attacks for upvotes. I don’t do that! I use it as a place to get truth out there and not to try to increase upvotes. When I can, I answer questions or gain info from others to help the Truth Movement. It is not my content, but rather getting news out there that is not being told by MSM. The goal is to reach people, not worry about money. If this were about money don’t you think I would choose a topic I know would bring me money? I make some killer enchilada’s, twice baked potatoes (other dishes as food is a big hit not truth), I could do music posts and vids. Fashion tips, fluff pieces bring in a ton of money. Heck even a photograph from what I’ve seen or cuss rampages bring in dollars rather than cents. And here I am doing the Unthinkable! How Dare I share a courageous woman’s well spoken son’s post and petition in God forbid, Steemit! (Why the hatred towards this platform?) Even selfies bring in loads of money. Do you know why? Because most of society is enamored with their distractions, their idols, shows, movies, music, fun, ribald comedy and entertainment. That’s what they eat up, not hard, cold reality.

Guess what’s not fun. Guess what people Don’t want to hear or be confronted with? TRUTH! What do even good people turn a blind eye to? Pedophilia, I mean who wants to deal with that! How many can’t wrap their brain around the idea that kids are tied down to alters and tortured, viciously abused, hunted down for sport, rituals, consumption, the gaining of power and trading/selling of souls, blood, organs, tissue, the literal feeding off of their adrenalin, constant blood sacrifices, manipulating those in power. Who doesn’t want to deal with where kids go (the actual over the rainbow) the creating an alternate world to deal with something human psyche can’t even begin to describe or put into words? Because words can’t even Touch the vivid horror! Reliving, constantly trying to escape, wondering why you still see signals, prompts, triggers. Not a lot of fun there! Wondering if everyone you meet or hear from is a handler. Knowing you can’t trust Anyone, Truly NOT anyone except God and most people are out to get you! Clearly most also Prove it! Jumping at sounds. . .forever! Getting up multiple times to make sure the door is locked, even barricaded that’s if you’re free, but you’re never Really free again are you? You Never Stop Seeing the eyes. NEVER! No fun, no fluff there for the starry eyed masses and church goers in the (feel good and prosper churches and so called children's organizations). Not saying all churches are bad. . .but you Can Never Trust Anyone, except God. He is the ONLY one who will Not betray you.

Nothing in it for the arm chair critiques looking down their noses at the already mocked truth tellers, boldly criticizing us for how we take action, and how they could and would do it better if they weren’t so inert. Why take action when you can just Tell people How you could do it Better than them.

Then I say Do It! Who or what is stopping you? What are you afraid of? Are you afraid someone will criticize and accuse you as you do others?

You arrogantly assume you are the only one passionate about this topic and question my motives. It is beyond low to presume I value a few cents over the well being of child victims, whom I have advocated for with my time and energy for over a year. Yes, I report on other topics, but have focused heavily on the vile wickedness of pedogate and what is behind it. I have done so while losing family, friends, being mocked, called names, threatened and told to stop, constantly treated like I am beneath people and if I Dare try to contribute, accused of profiting off of abuse. I have always been quiet and let people run all over me, now that I speak up, abusive, demeaning people Still aren’t happy! That is after all the MO of abusive people! Always trying to make others feel as horrible as they themselves feel on the inside.

Have you been sharing these abuse stories or any truth stories? Whether in One link with your beloved “third party source,” or a platform where you share the info and try to spread awareness? If not, what gives you the authority to attack me?

I chose steemit as it was recommended to me by other truth tellers as a way to compile my extensive notes, links, research in an effort to help people make connections. I do reports on my youtube channel. Not monetized, not prioritized, always buried in search results because I am the Lowest of the Low in your reddit, youtube, google, twitter, etc. Constantly shadow banned harassed and talked down to. I am a Truth Teller. Not worth anything to people like you, except to be used for attacks. I don’t bring in money for it! No fancy trips. My kids haven’t been to Disneyland or Disney World. Now from where I sit, that’s just as well. Also filled with pedos! just shed light which is despised among those thinking They are the only ones who should be allowed to share info.

People have been asleep for a Very long time and didn’t learn what was really going on behind the scenes. So there is a great deal to cover and connect. Steemit fits the bill. It is user friendly, you can place photos, videos links to other sources easily and fairly quickly. They don’t ban, they don’t arrogantly look down their noses and pretend you are worthless. As a matter of fact, most people who read my stuff don’t even have a steemit, nor do they think to or maybe it’s not possible for them to upvote. The ease of their platform is needed to make the best use of time and spread truth out there.

I work in a very small group. We have more platforms banning us than giving us upvoats. That is what truth is. Most don’t want to hear it, but once in a while you reach someone willing to listen, who will then connect more dots and start sharing their truth! Those who don’t want to listen or feel they are superior have the choice of scrolling on and finding a piece they can comment on to obtain their upvoats. The profits are not monetary, you win no popularity votes, very few if any reddit upvoats, fb likes, hearts on twitter, etc. You get good, like minded people out there who are an inspiration, appreciative and join the truth movement, but you also get a Great deal of attacks and hatred. You have to wade through those who deem themselves better than you. That is the life of a Truth Teller.

Why do it? God’s timetable. . .shed light on darkness! Haters and Soros trolls do not determine where or how I share truth. Only God!

You have exposed yourself as someone who thinks they are a gatekeeper to the “news”. I have seen this as a particular marker of those who see themselves as Elitists and thinking they should Control what people do, how they do it, where they do it, apparently the manner or forum they do it in and what to think. Why can’t I write an article or place news segments together in one place and comment on them? Who decides what is acceptable as a “third party” source and what is not? Is that you? Are you Self Appointed or is it a voted on position? Are you the reddit Gestapo? Are you in charge of who gets in certain subreddits and who doesn’t? You should inform them, because they’re Not Following your orders as you have Commanded! They are letting truth slide by that You have not authorized personally. Are they being insubordinate?

You decided my articles are self promotion even though I make no money and the articles are not about me. Yes, I want to draw people to the place I am organizing truth posts, hoping they will find more truth, make connections and spread awareness. Q has said to go deeper and keep getting the truth out. It is about Waking up the Masses Worldwide. Apparently you simply don’t like that I exist to share the news. Well, neither does satan. You can easily go get your news from someone else. Perhaps one of the Revered Third Party sources. This whole “gatekeeper of the news” is exactly what squashes real truth! It is a form of control! Yes disCernment is always needed, but that should be up to each individual and not a person who deems themselves as the Supreme Ruler on How Content is Organized, Stored and Disseminated. Why do some Elect themselves to decide what defines a “third party source.” I don’t like those Entitled attitudes. It is exactly what my group is fighting against! We want Freedom of All speech and the right for individuals to choose whether they read it or scroll on by! We don’t need to be hired on by a third party source. We don’t want to be at the mercy of someone else as to whether we have our say or not. We have the right to organize it and use whatever platform we want.

Why is it that citizens are not allowed to write their own bits? I actually put the “third party sources” in a majority of my articles and the up side is, they are all connected in one place. I can easily and more efficiently share that out to a variety of platforms and skate “third party sources” through that are being more and more aggressively banned on forums like Facebook, youtube, twitter, etc. If you don’t like the steemit platform that is not my problem! Truth tellers willing to give their time to spread info from third party sources who probably Are making money (that is their right) are needed right now! You know why? Even your Esteemed Third Party Sources are being banned. We are providing another way to share them out on platforms that are banning them. Take Pam Gellar for instance. Her own page completely banned from Facebook and her daughters attacked by those who consider themselves Rulers over the News. No, I haven’t done an article yet, but if I do, I assure you I will make No Money on it. If you call a few cents money, the steemit money isn’t even the same value of dollars so you should educate yourself, as you are the Self Appointed Disseminator of Truth. That must come with a lot of pressure, so you don’t want to drop the ball.

You seem to think I am getting money on spreading this petition when I have been told by VOAT and other places to put some of my links in an article form or another platform first then share them out. It is not my fault you have some beef with steemit. Were you not allowed in or something? Sorry about that. Keep trying! BTW my post may have .08 and you really think I took the time to give people the info they requested along with the link for .08? Do you work? Working people don’t work for a sum total of .08. Really? Would you do that?

I assure you, if I wanted to make money I would write articles on fluff, fashion, food, photography. . .many other subjects bring in money. I may not understand exactly how steemit works, but I do see far larger numbers and mega upvoats when posts cross my feed, I don’t have time to read. I am not in the same league as them numbers wise. I chose truth because we are in God’s timetable and it will bring all of this corruption to light. If I wanted to compete in the upvoat game, I would turn away from truth and choose a popular, fun topic!

As this has turned into an essay and I will not use it as a time waster, I may as well have a conclusion and a steemit post to address All attackers at once. You know why? I Like Efficiency.

In conclusion, I take the time to defend myself against this attack because it is not the first. As soon as I started sharing truth on certain platforms I have been attacked only by self appointed arrogant people who decide I am beneath them. I have been treated that way my entire life. I have wanted to take the time to attend to these attacks and put them in one place. Thank you steemit! There is no need for this particular attacker to take pride in eliciting such a long response in an attempt to waste my time. I have been considering doing this due to other condescending arm chair posters. I have a right to defend myself and a right to feel my time in sharing on a volunteer basis IS valuable. I don’t appreciate being Falsely Accused of something that is the opposite.

This poses a question for me. Would people value me more if I did request money for my time. Is it because I give it freely that it is undervalued, thrown in my face and used to ridicule me so often? Would I not face any of these attacks if I just Do what I am being accused of?

I have had some offer or even ask to donate for my time. I prayed about it and didn’t feel like it was the right move. I asked God to let me know if I should stop my business and focus solely on the Truth Movement. I have not felt led by God to do so. Unless and until He shows me, I research, try to organize, report and share info everywhere I can. God is the one Who I asked to show me if Pizzagate was a sham. When I got sick to my stomach and lost sleep for weeks as he showed me the depth and horror. Some of which I already knew existed but wanted to bury, it became obvious these weren’t just isolated cases. Not just pedophile groups here and there, but vast corrupt, satanically controlled groups in masses still ritualistically abusing children. It just keeps Growing and Spreading unless people start Waking up! It would be selfish and Irresponsible on my part to just keep this info to myself. I could just take my hits and verbal abuse from these accusers and quietly go away. Or I can do what many before us have not done. I can Stop turning the cheek so much that it just creates more victims. I can Stop thinking someone else will deal with it and take care of it. I can Stop just staying down and minding my own business when pushed down. That’s what got us into this. . . oh so subtle at first, spreading web of deceit and wickedness against our most vulnerable. Due to inactivity it is now reaching into every single precipice, crack, industry, almost every church, organization and level of government out there in this entire world. This is satan’s domain! You give these wicked people an inch, they will literally take a mile and split people and our country into two. I say, not on God’s Watch! God and His army of people willing to stand against it are Far More Powerful than any troll and evil doer out there! Their time of going unchecked is over and they sense it!

Now I don’t really know if you’re a paid troll or just a mocker. I don’t know if you’re really on the side of good or evil. But if you are passionate about this topic as you claim, I suggest you Become one of the Third Party Sources and start posting, sharing and spreading information about all these vile people who seek to destroy everything that is good on this earth! Don’t just say how you would do it and attack others, DO, ACT, not tomorrow, not next week. Now, Today! I guarantee you, I wouldn’t attack you no matter how you shared your truth! I would applaud and be grateful for someone taking a stand against evil and Fighting The Good Fight! These victims need Everyone they can get in their corner. They think this is how it is for everyone. . .until they are shown what goodness really is. If you won’t spread truth, pray! Pray for these victims daily that God’s army will continue to gain ground and halt their evil. Pray that God brings these victims comfort daily because no one else is there to show them love. They think this is how it is for everyone. They don’t know that Some children do not live like this daily, they don’t know it’s Not Normal! Godspeed.


Pray Pray Pray Fight Fight Fight The Great Awakening ... There is hope for the paid trolls, at this moment ... they know not what they do! Excellent article!!!

Yes! So grateful people around the globe are praying for these victims and asking God to continue shedding a light on all of this evil! God is Greater than Evil! We all just have to keep working Together to make it known! Satan hates it that God's Power is unstoppable through His Army! God Bless You!