This is the meme campaign we should be waging. A large % of Dims and nearly ALL Progs are anti-corporate and have fallen for disinfo that POTUS is "just another corporate shill". We should be rubbing their noses in the fact that this is the false narrative or propaganda that SIX MEGACORPS are brainwashing them with.
If the Mockingbird MSM is somehow invulnerable from a legit DoJ anti-trust class action or can't be formally called out as the propaganda arm or actual co-conspirators of those leading the coup against our duly elected President, which we all know to be true, then we have to push the "6 Corps-90%-MSM" truth.
What is the blockade that is protecting these traitorous scum? The anti-democratic and unconstitutional consolidation of ownership of the "Free Press" has been the subject of a number of law review articles. Why is the MSM seemingly invincible?

I think most people would be shocked by the degree of media concentration that has occurred in the last fifteen years. When BenBagdikian wrote The Media Monopoly back in 1983, about fifty media conglomerates controlled more than half of all broadcast media, newspapers, magazines, video, radio, music, publishing, and film in this country.
By 1986, that number had shrunk from fifty to twenty-nine. By 1993 it had shrunk even further to twenty firms. Today fewer than ten multinational media conglomerates-Time/Wamer, Disney, Rupert Murdoch's NewsCorp, Viacom, Sony, Seagram, AT&T/Liberty Media, Bertelsmann, and GE-dominate most of the American mass media landscape. The range and diversity of their holdings is astounding"….
Wellstone, Paul (2000) "Growing Media Consolidation Must Be Examined to Preserve Our Democracy," Federal Communications Law Journal: Vol. 52: Iss. 3, Article 7.
Available at:
Time to wake up the masses....