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RE: The Day of Balance - Autumnal Equinox Gratitude List - Comment for a ~$0.50 Vote

in #gratitude6 years ago

The last couple of month's energy has been so heavy with back to back retrogrades and the eclipses that these calmer energies now are bringing solace to the heart but until we wait for the Venus retrograde to complete and we see much more stability.
Gratitude is the key to a full living, when we are able to be grateful about the most simple things to everything in life that we have does life come back in full circle.
I am Grateful for every single thing in my life most importantly my family, the life that I have, all my needs that get fulfilled, all the knowledge that I get, all the people who have walked into my life for long or short duration, every experience of life and everything.

Love and Light Nainaz


Yes indeed, the retrogrades over the summer led to quite a wild ride, and it feels really nice coming to the tail end of that.

Thanks for sharing your gratitude!