Investments Pay In Uniquely Perfect Ways

in #gratitude7 years ago

Gratitude moment. I received unexpected dividends from and investment today. This quart jar of Nettle Infusion pictured here just set to steep is the image that represents this abundance.


here.Back in February, I had the opportunity to begin a friendship with @papa-pepper. You can read about that visit

I was meeting a Smiling Human Being!...
...who within 3 sentences was sharing his Dreadlocks. Off came the signature hat! Laughs were shared, we were off to a great start.

photocredit @freedompoint

The topic of Stinging Nettle was discussed. He had just planted some and shared with excitement. I had not had an opportunity to plant any on our homestead yet. The offer to send me some was made, and I accepted.

Since his plants were just babies, I sent him home with a pound of dried Stinging Nettle that I had purchased. To provide him with the material to enjoy her benefits now.

I am honestly admitting I have been neglecting to include this plant friend of mine in my own life for too long now.

Jumping to yesterday...


I received my Package from @papa-pepper.

Fresh Stinging Nettle plants for the begginings of my own patch. I desperately needed this new beggining... the timing was perfect.

This was a good trade, the investment in each others dreams is a beautiful consequence of a good friendship.

I love his creativity in using a photo as a note card. Penning his personal positive message and blessing upon the reverse side. He thoughtfully included a deck of permaculture playing cards as treat. The whole thing was lovely.

The Unexpected Dividend...

This series of events played out in such a way that today I took the step, in a coming home style ritual to bring my friend Stinging Nettle back into my daily life. I am currently making my first nettle infusion in many years.


With this quart jar of amber goodness I have taken the first step in a journey forward... Beginning again. With two friends beside me, Stinging Nettle and @papa-pepper.

This is my unexpected dividend. This is one of those moments that makes me know I am truly on the right path.
Thank you @papa-pepper for your contribution, delivered with divine timing. Dreadful Hugs sent to you and yours.

I am off to a great start with a strong and smiling stride. May my steps dance me through the wilds of a beautiful adventure.

~All Text and Images Are My Own~
~unless otherwise noted~

Just a girl... Living, Loving and Dancing her way to Wholeness with the help of a Mountaintop and a Purpose.

Follow the Adventure @borrowedearth




what is the effect of this tea?

I was also interested and found this link that claims that it is used clear your kidneys and blood as well as prevention of rheumatism and gout. The list is much longer so check it out!

That all sounds good, I have a bit of rheumatism

Wow! Who would have guessed that my procrastinating timing would be "right on time?" Be blessed and I'm glad that they found you well!

Funny how that works! Love it 💜💚

Sharing nettle roots with friends and nieghbors is such a wonderful thing!


Stinging Nettle is a long time friend herself. Does it grow up by you @amymya?

I had it growing at my last home, will be digging up some roots to bring with me to my next ♡

So nice to cross your path @amymya I hope you are settling into your next chapter well beautiful friend 💜💚🌱

This was just lovely. I'm so happy you are taking steps forward!

Hold on! Are we talking about the same plant that used to cause me so much pain when I brushed up against it while walking through the woods??!!

Likely yes! It's an amazingly healing plant. I will leave it to @borrowedearth to confirm 😉

Yup! Same plant! It's not half as wicked as you'd think!

It's great for everyone!

Amazing! You are one brave Pepper for handling it gloveless! And the leaf-squishing anecdote is especially interesting! Thanks so much for sending the videos!

Just love all this wonderfulness!! Stinging nettle, community, dreads, smiles, new beginnings with old friends. Life is really good! So kind of you to share your experience with us 💜✌💚

I can't wait for the full article on usage (wink nudge), all I know I learned from wikipedia.