This is a song I made for another group on steemit by the name grateful Vibes . Please enjoy and remember to drop your critics in the comment section
Part lyrics
Let me tell a little part
Tell you something about the bears
You don’t wanna run away
You don’t have to run away
As a tiny little bug
Listen now to my tiny tales
Having dinner with the bears
I don’t have to run away, cause they care
This is Who I am What I’ve learnt
With papa bear Saying all is well
Teaching everyday learning everyday
Family always that’s what we are
washere broda!!! Tight. Mehn this app you make use of is badass
I swear bro, working on more and more songs
Damn! I'm slacking real bad...I need this app ASAP o.
This songs music is very-nice and different
Especially this songs lyrics is #superb Well done @olumideolowoyeye