We found a way to deal with the tagless ones getting dumped down in front of our house. It was born of desperation. The no-help animal shelter was closed for their usual 3 day weekend ... and it was a late summer evening. So we were looking at a very very long ordeal of keeping it quarantined away from our dogs, etc.
My brilliant husband said ... go get a stake, a lead, and a very big cardboard box. He doubled up the lead to shorten it, fastened the dog to the staked lead, and on the box wrote "Free dog or Pound dog." Someone picked that dog up in under 30 minutes. We honestly didn't have a lot of hope that it would work.
LOL ROTF ... hmm Ok .. this is actually @MarillaAnne typing here ... My brilliant husband left himself logged in on my PC
When there are no tags, it's near impossible to find the owners. Especially if the owners were abandoning their animal. They don't want to be found. @ironshield
indeed, indeed :-/