Thanks for the counsel but i think you did not understand fully every line of my post and you didn't bother to read things from the link on the post.
Also Try to know if the person has been doing what you are trying to advise.
I have not in any been lazy. A person that learnt and created his blog is not lazy. A person that learnt bitcoin trading is not lazy. A person that has finished html of web design and started CSS is not lazy.
Check my replies and comments and the small contests i have won.
Sorry if i sounded harsh but i pressed to do this. You May not really understand but any way thanks for the counsel
May God help you to the finish line and i just hope you understand my point too. No help isntoo small but if you understand. No offence brother i understand but it is just that, well..........
I understand your point clearly. No offense at all. I just needed help.
If you know what it means in our 9ja seeing your mates leaving the university and you spending an extra year and yet no school fees. U no go understand my brother but any way i get your point and me no vex at all.
Some one two people already assisted with 22 sbd.
Thanks for your brotherly concern. 9ja!
I code, e no easy but you self know how some of the scholars here go just dey look like what is this. But if e no be panadol, it can never be like a panadol. Best of wishes man, to be a man is never an easy thing but may God see us through it all.