KIND ADs : Logo design

in #graphics6 years ago

Kind Ads potential effect in the advertisement business

What makes Kind Ads unique, and gives it a chance to disturb this industry, is that not at all like conventional notices stages, Kind Ads use blockchain innovation with a specific end goal to offer all kind of motivators for its members, that turns what could before be considered as irritating, into something fun and fascinating, as well as, something fulfilling.

Under the Kind Ads stage, rather than having sudden and irregular promotions that the client never requested to see, each member will now have substantially more control over the way things are dealt with in regards to an ad.

For instance, over the most recent couple of months, there was an outrage with Facebook about the abuse of individual data from their clients in what ended up being a standard issue with individuals everywhere throughout the world giving scope to this mishandle.

Something to that effect would never happen when utilizing Kind Ads stage, on the grounds that not just the clients can expressly demonstrate the amount of their data can be utilized and shared, yet additionally in light of the fact that since the majority of this is blockchain based, each client will have the capacity to find what is being finished with their data, and if there is any distributer (content maker) that abuse this information, it would genuinely influence its notoriety, which takes us to the following point.

With Kind Ads, there is a notoriety framework that positions every last distributer that is utilizing the stage in view of the conclusion of the clients, so rather than there being motivators to abuse any private data like on account of Google and Facebook, now there is a punishment that could influence future benefits. On the off chance that a distributer is found doing some sort of manhandle, individuals will quit associating with that distributer subsequently, and it will be reflected in its notoriety so everybody can know about it.

This includes another layer of assurance that wasn't there previously, suppose we could rank Google and Facebook in view of how well they regard the security of their clients, how would you figure they would rank? Clearly, they would rank terrible.

So by offering the market an elective that is better for everybody included, it could help make the advertisement business a place considerably more neighborly towards individuals making the substance, and individuals devouring it.

I chose to create this logo because it look like It capures every thing in KIND ADs and around is the link between the users and the publishers/advertisers together.
It a logo that inspires me I wish you can see it that way.
