A double-headed goat was born and it was taking media coverage across the Middle East and interestingly, a white reindeer born in Norway. Other signs of times. These are too specific demarcations in history of signs to look for as these massive changes pervade our planet. Two different cultures experiencing rare events in the same week.

On a different note, down to South Africa, take a look at these super cells. It wasn’t just one apparently, there were four or five in a row. I wish I could have been up in an airplane somewhere, looking at all of supercharged cloud formations passing through.

These are the largest hail stones that they saw, at least in photos. They are pretty big, these can smash to windows of houses and cars and can dent everything.

In addition, 18 cows were supposedly killed by this hailstorm. As for me, I’m not convinced. Was it really hail that damaged these animals, or was it a lightning strike? Although, as you can see, their skin is ruptured. There were actual rips through the hides of cows. You have to imagine how thick leather is.
If something coming from the skies are able to rip through a cow’s skin, down to the muscle, it has to be something huge. I linked everything below so you can chase down the stories and come to your own conclusions.

I give you the information, for you to make your own conclusion about these events. I do this channel because I want to bring you my thoughts and ideas and it’s up to you, the reader to decide if this is correct or agreeable for you.
So please come up with your own conclusions, without relying on anybody else. What other people tell you might be true or false, but take both sides and compare them, then come up with your own thoughts and ideas of what is true at the moment.

Moving on to Western Australia, a couple inches of hail and this is what they were scooping off the crops in a wheat field. Also, shown in the text I highlighted in blue, it was said that farmers were protected by insurance financially. Keep that in mind as we move up to Canada.

The area of Western Australia is pinned for you, so you can see where the crop damage occurred.

Jumping over to Tropicaltidbits.com and knowing the location, I thought I could match the time with the events of hot and cold colliding. Here we are, extreme cold to the west and an extreme heat to the east. That white line running through the center is where the damage happened. This is going to be the new norm as Earth’s Magnetosphere weakens further and our jet streams go even more out of kilter.

From the Southern Hemisphere, I’m going to take you way up here into Canada, the Northern Hemisphere. Potato shortages loom due to harvest from hell. Maybe AC/DC could do a new song about that. “Harvest from Hell.”

The article continues, farmers abandon 16,000 acres of potatoes. They said that this is due to delayed end of the harvest season because of unusual rains. It should have been dry where they could easily harvest, but they couldn’t because of out of season weather. Then after the rain, a significant cold front rolled through that froze the ground, killing off anything planted in the ground. For root and tuber crops, the Grand Solar Minimum is really throwing a few curveballs in here.

I want to bring you to the first paragraph, again, it says that there is some type of insurance that covered a portion of their loss. We saw the same thing that being talked about in Australia. So, there are massive crop losses and insurance payouts in the US, Canada, Australia and Europe this year.
Now, at what point do the insurers stop insuring the farms and the farmers for weather related losses? At that point, everything you buy is going to exponentially rise in price. They are going to charge more if they can’t insure their crops.
The second paragraph states a similar situation in parts of the U.S and Europe, with potato losses. This the why your french fries are shorter. Potato growers of Canada say that this is unpreceded, never heard or seen this ever before. So this is why I actually consider the potato as the canary in the Grand Solar Minimum electromagnetic mine, if you will.

But still, the Fourth National Climate Assessment from the U.S government doesn’t want to talk about solar activity. They are not even talking about sunspots or anything related to the Sun affecting climate on Earth.

I’m glad however, that there are several other astrophysicists out there talking about this. The forecast: the lower we descend along the line into decreased solar activity, the more of these events will be seen. Such events are changes in our atmospheric jet streams leading to crop losses, food price increases, social instability and population migration. We are just in the first couple years of the intensification.
This gets really intense by 2025. We have the forecasts going out and wherever you’re looking, everybody that studies the Sun is saying the same thing.

Yet, the bought and funded scientists at the IPCC are saying that this massive dip bringing us back 400 years and this dip in solar activity doesn’t matter. They even said that it’s nothing to worry about because it would only decrease the global temperature by approximately three-tenths of a degree.

In actuality, the Eddy Grand Solar Minimum is going to decrease global temperatures by 2 to 3 degrees Celsius.

Some institutions are coming out to say that Sun, which is 1.2 million times larger than our earth has no effect on Earth whatsoever.

Earth is way over on the left, behind Jupiter down to the bottom where you can barely even see because it’s a pin dot, comparatively.

These institutions say, that magnetic fields in the Sun and the electromagnetic connections from that Sun to our Earth have literally no connection and no effect on our planets’ weather systems. There is a need of a very serious revamp of how science is discussed.

(BELOW) This is from the Fourth National Climate Assessment under the subheading Agriculture; Global Cooling & Grand Solar Minimum, drought, wildfire and everything you’re seeing right now can be explained by declining solar activity. I encourage you to take a look at Svensmark, The Cloud Mystery and also Atmospheric Structures in the Global Electric Circuit.
If you’re unfamiliar with the last one, this is an amazing read. Your mind is going to blast wide open and you will not sleep for days chasing these leads down. The information you’re going to get is also new, then you will tell yourself, “It’s been 15 or 20 years and they haven’t told us about this and now our crops are failing. They knew all along that these would happen, 20–25 years ago, why didn’t they inform the public?”

As always, the media will have you believe that this image here is a reality, that everything is so stable, it’s a rosy sunset with cocktails and margaritas on the beach. So keep going to work, keep paying your taxes and add in a CO2 global consumption tax while you’re at it. Keep investing and don’t pull your money out of the banking system, because, if everybody tries to get ready for the Grand Solar Minimum at the same time, the fractional reserve system will crash.

As we progress down the transition phase, our climate will move from normal stability in our society to flux. I wanted to start to bring to you more of the economic side of things, the threads of social constructs starting to unravel as population migration, food price rises and economic contraction take their toll. These are always the fingerprints that accompany this Grand Solar Minimum. We see the same things throughout history, in the1600’s, 1300’s, 800 AD, 400 AD, 400 BC, and 1100 BC, we see these exact same events happening.
So I wanted to start to highlighting more than just weather changes and delve further into what moved in the economy, what moved the population and how this will affect our lives.

Thanks for reading. I hope you got something out of the article. If you like this type of information, Mini Ice Age Conversations Podcast, 30 minutes at a time on the go for more in-depth analysis on the intensifying Eddy Grand Solar Minimum. Anywhere you can find a podcast hosted across the net.

As well Thursday nights, 10 p.m. to midnight, Revolution Radio, Studio A at Freedomslips.com two hours of dialogue about how all of these changes are going to affect your lives.

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*** Today’s Story Links ***
Rare white reindeer found in northern Norway
Canadian potato shortage looms due to ‘harvest from hell’ after unseasonable weather
Large hailstones kill 18 cows, bring down trees in South Africa
Hailstorms cut swath across wheatbelt crops in Western Australia
Canadian potato shortage looms due to ‘harvest from hell’ after unseasonable weather

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Awesome to see you here on steem! Good idea letting people know in your last film. I have followed you on youtube for some time and I just want you to know that you are doing a fantastic job. I will do my best to resteem your work to my followers here so that others may learn from you.
Thanks again.
Hi @ adapt2030
Any chance you have some information on South Africa especially the Western Cape as this is where I stay :-) There is not a lot of information on SA on the net that is helpful or can explain what our weather will do in this coming GSM . Thank you in advance .
I see colder and more snow as this year in western cape. Even record cold in Namibia. Crops will never recover due to political happenings with land. For sure crops lost and prices up, S.A goes from an exporter to importer for grain and the rest of the planet will be scrambling for resources, so I feel its not looking too go for the economy based on food pricing alone with no way out of that. S.A needs more farming help to get that land productive again.
Thank you for coming back to me . We have some strange weather at the moment , it is suppose to be hot but we have a chill in the air as well as very strong winds daily. Regarding our farming , I do not think that will come right any time soon with the land issue we are facing with . Farmers do not know if they going to have land so I think they are not really investing in planting if they might lose it all in a day a lot of uncertainty especially with our elections in May .
Would you advise moving to higher ground as I have been listing to Diamond as well and he recons if the pole shift happens the oceans might create a bit of havoc on our planet, i have been looking at the Cederberg Mountain area lately.
I have seen that Nieuwoudtville had a glacier in the previous Ice age do you think something like that will happen again in South Africa ?
Sorry for all the questions ... What do you think is the time line for hardly any food in the stores especially in SA as we are not growing a lot now and would have to import if countries are going to export .