Why my username is Soursopqueen? Well, soursop is simply one of my favorite fruit and I planted quite a number at our farm. My husband and I tried to outdo each other and see who generates the most revenue for our farm and soursop was our no 1 seller and hence our family called me Soursopqueen.
I live in Penang Island, Malaysia and was born and bred here. I am in my 50's, happily married to my high school sweetheart, have 2 grown up daughters, a 3 years old granddaughter , 4 dogs , 2 Roosters and many guppies.
As I slow down to enjoy my life journey, my husband and I spend most of our time at the farm planting mainly organic fruits for our own consumption and sell to others especially those who appreciates organic farming fruits. Prior to that I have labored many years in few multinational companies, being self employed in the field of finance and properties. My days are pretty busy although I mentioned slowing down cause farming work never ends . Apart from farming ,lately I am discovering the Crypto world and finds it like a rabbit hole. There are so many things to learn. One really doesn't stop learning as learning is a lifelong process.
I have an adorable 3 years old granddaughter and I get to spend a lot of quality time with her since she was born. When I was a young mum and chasing after my career I hardly enjoy motherhood but being a grandma is really different. You get to pamper them and its magical when parents turn into grandparents.
Moving on, I hope to find more mindful communities here whereby I get to share my farming experiences, crypto world , other hobbies like cooking, hiking, art and pets.
I have just discovered Hive last week from @kaerpediem from her sharing to a group of women embarking in Crypto world. I really appreciate @kaerpediem for her precious time and effort. Thanks for welcoming me here @lovesniper , @chillwithshanna