July’s blood full moon and lunar eclipse

in #gr6 years ago (edited)

Are you looking forward to see another blood moon this year? This one is going to be very special. This is the longest lunar eclipse in the century. It is going to happen on July 27th at 10pm India time. In Madhya Pradesh it is going to be during the day and most probably people are not going to see it, however people are going to feel it. This eclipse is pretty special because it is going to be the longest one in this century 1 hour and 44 minutes. Wow. Also, Mars will accompany the moon this time and this means that Mars is going to bring his powerful energy of war and destruction. Astrologers say that eclipse can influence people for a few days before and after, the energy of the eclipse stays with us for as long as a duration of the event. This time we might feel the energy for 104 days.

It looks like we are going to face a very serious event this week!!!!!

This longest eclipse and full moon are happening in the sign of Acvarius. Acvarius makes us think about our life on a deeper level. Not only about our day to day life, but why we are here on this planet at this particular time? What kind of lessons are we learning? Are we going towards our light? Are we growing love in our hearts?  

The presence of Mars and his active energy reminds us to stay in our centre and do not react on aggression and destruction from others. We can also stay connected to Mars and utilize his active energy throgh physical exercises, any activity like yoga, hiking, gym or dancing will have a positive outcome this week.

This eclipse is the final one in the line of eclipses in Acvarius that were happening last two years. It is a good idea to see what was going on with you for the last two years and see if there is anything that came to the end now. May be it is your work, relationships or even old thinking patterns, that no longer serve your new life. Lunar eclipses have this magical energy to reveal our hidden darkness or attract the energy in a place where we feel stagnation and make us act even though we don’t feel like we want to deal with it here and now. I call it a magic kick. Use this kick in your advantage and clean or change this area of your life.

Also, for the last few weeks I have been feeling my connection to my ancestors. I spend a lot of time with my parents, went to my village and walked bare feet on our family land, ate fresh barries from our garden. Right now is a very good time to forgive your parents for everything they have done wrong and thank them for making you who you are, for all their support or luck of support. Everything that happen in the past, all these generations in your family before you made you who you are. Lately, I have been so grateful to my parents that they did not force me to any decisions in my life, that sometimes they got busy and did not pay attantion to me, that I grew up in a small town, but was so lucky to have everything that only rich people can afford. Yes they did mistakes, they are just regular people.

Often we feel luck of support from our family and they don’t participate in our lives in a way we want them to. It happens. We cannot change them or their attitude towards us or things. The thing that we CAN change is our spiritual and energetic connection to our family, our ancestors. If that connection is strong and working we feel confident and supported. We feel like there is many people behind our backs that wish us well, bless us and hold our hands in difficult times. To rebuild this connection lest do a simple meditation.

Meditation: can be done inside or outside.

  1. Sit comfortably with your spine straight and your hands on your lap.

  2. Take a few deep breaths, feel calm, connected and grounded. Make sure that your hips or your feet are touching the floor, grass or mother Earth.

  3. Close your eyes and imagine your dad behind your right shoulder with his hand on your shoulder. Imagine your mom behind your left shoulder with her hand on your shoulder. Behind them there are their parents and grand parents in the same order. Slowly slowly you can the whole pyramid of figures behind your back. You might not know them it is not important now.

  4. Say: “I am one with all the past generations in my family. I am one with all the future generations in my family.”

Feel what comes to you, imagines or feelings

  1. Feel like your mother and father bless you. See what they say, feel or do. After that imagine like all generations bless each other. Feel like all the lost souls come back to the family, feel like some souls leave the family. Feel the strong connection with every soul in your line.

  2. Imagine like you are turning around and facing them and bow down to them. Say thank you to your ancestors for being with you and supporting you. You are one strong family together.

You stay in this meditation as long as you feel the flow of energy. When you feel that the flow is gone open your eyes and keep doing your things, knowing that you no longer alone. You have hundreds of people on your side.

Remimder: it is not recommended to look at the eclipse.

Lots of love and summer sun from India