Government Now Claims Collecting Rainwater is Illegal!

No This is NOT a Joke.. Check This Out:

Couple Forced to Destroy 40yo Pond on Their Own Property Because Govt Owns the Rainwater

Butte Falls, OR — An Oregon couple has been told they must destroy a 2-acre pond on their land — the property’s most attractive feature — because the government said so.

Although Jon and Sabrina Carey purchased the 10-acre property near Butte Falls two and a half years ago, the pond has been in place for 40 years — but that fact doesn’t matter to the Jackson County Watermaster’s Office.

“I basically bought a lemon,” said Jon, who became teary-eyed at the edge of the partially ice-covered body of water being targeted by government, in an interview with the Mail Tribune. “That’s how they explained it to me.”

But the couple desperately wants to keep the stunning longstanding feature in tact, so, as the Mail Tribune reports, the Careys have “pleaded with the Medford Water Commission to adopt the pond and treat it as a municipal water source, something Jackson County Watermaster Larry Menteer has opposed because of the precedent it would set.

“The Water Commission has rights to the watershed around the Careys’ property, where dozens, if not hundreds, of ponds are located, as well as Medford’s primary source of water, Big Butte Springs.”

And the Careys aren’t the only people in the watershed who’ve had difficulties with, well, ‘the government’s’ water.

Full Story:
Video Covered By: The Free Thought

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To be fair, this has been a thing for a lot of years. And many have pointed out the insanity of it.

lol "Big Butte Springs"
Water rights are very complex and one of the reasons we need a government in the first place, otherwise some assholes would say they owned all the rain. A lot of people own land and they don't even own the mineral rights under that land. This is a problem that could probably have been avoided if they had done research prior to buying the property. Sucks that they bought a lemon.

not only has it been a thing for awhile in some states. there are also placed you are not allowed to grow your own garden without paying taxes on it.

Ex post facto provisions of the united snakes' CONstitution should protect them, if they bothered to read it.

Yeah the government doesn't want self sustainable people then how else will they control you

 7 years ago  Reveal Comment