Governments have a lot to lose if the big Pharma companies are proved to just be a money scam.
It must be a real worry for them when more and more people are now using organic and natural remedies.

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this is scary. they just shoot people like an animal. what is happening to this world. my condolence to the family
I feel you would have served the story of Ms. Justine Damon well had you covered it properly. It really had nothing to do with Big Pharma. The MPD has not released much information. The officers body cam were off. The communications with the dispatch were released. The concern is that the officer that shot across his partner and killed Ms. Damon was a Somali refugee and broke police policy and proticol. Concerns are that he shot her based on Sharia Law.
Thank you so much for clearing up this story. Cops take an oath to uphold the Constitution of the US which is incompatible with Sharia law, therefore treason to swear in an official of any capacity who does not obey the US Constitution. I KNEW something was fishy about this story. Nothing to do with Big Pharma. Why would anyone even say this unless their motivation was to hide the fact the officer murdered this woman just because she wasn't wearing a hajib, or some other Muslim BS that let's them kill women. Period
It's so sad about the yoga instructor getting shot by an American Police officer. Their just too trigger happy here in the US. So sorry for her Loss. This has to stop!!
To correct you this cop was a Somalian refugee. He wasn't even legally here. The Mayor has already resigned. She was killed most likely because the so called cop was enforcing SHARIAH LAW. Which is incompatible with the US Constitution and all life on earth
Wow things are out of control. Peace to everyone
This is really worrisome. I feel so sad that this is happening in developed world. I hope justice wont be denied. May her soul rest in peace. #sad
How sad. I heard this happened to a some holistic doctors in Florida - where it seems people can get away with anything. I agree with @brendad, I would like more in-depth coverage of this.
Fake news. Yoga teachers are not threats to big pharma. This cop was an illegal samoli refugee and a Muslin who consider a woman less than a dog. He felt she violated Sharia law and murdered her
HUGE TRAGEDY! HATE BIG PHARMA!!!...... this provokes me more than anything
Don't know if it really has something to do with the Big Pharma (most probably not) but something is really wrong with the police, and not only in the US