"So apparently in Wisconsin people are taking the microchip implant in their hands in order to buy food and snacks at their job. The employees have to pay out of pocket approx $300 for the chip implant and many have signed up for it. How stupid can people be? They're using these people as guinea pigs to test this technology which later on will be forced on all of humanity. Later it will be a do or die scenario. THE WARNING OF THIS IS IN THE BIBLE. REVELATION CHAPTER 13-20 Do not take this chip! Please don't allow the government to control you to this point. When the chip is forced on us all I will NOT take it. It's not worth an eternity in hell. Churches aren't warning their people, the news is making it seem like it's cake walk, but it's not worth it guys. It's the MARK OF THE BEAST..there...now my hands are clean of your blood. God bless you all. Much love to you all. Stay informed. ❤"
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Wow, just the next phase! Yeah, avoid at all costs...
(by the way, the video isn't playing - it's saying 'this video is not available')
buy gun's ,grow food . 90 + million blades of grass are you 1 ?
Maybe I could put my foot up their Arse!
Hi that's crazy
If you think about it a bit, the social security number could also be considered the mark of the beast. No one can buy, sell, get a job, or anything with out that number.
The army has been toying with the idea of putting a chip in their soldiers butt so they don't have to carry id. To me this is all going to the next level of being tagged besides the SS#.
I know it's in the Bible, etc.
And so it begins. Pray constantly that our hearts will be prepared to stand before the Lord. God Bless the watchman.
Wasn't this an article on The Onion a few years ago? LOL