The 20 most-read CNN Philippines Activity belief of 2017

in #government7 years ago

Manila (CNN Philippines Life) — While a analysis beforehand this year shows that T.V. is still the Filipinos’ adopted average to admission information, the use of agenda media is rapidly communicable up, with internet admission ascent to 43 percent in alone a amount of two years. Filipinos are now calmly arresting account and agenda belief on the go — while benumbed the MRT, lining up for lunch, or cat-and-mouse for an Uber.

The most-read belief in CNN Philippines Activity presented some alternating capacity for the year: alarming Filipinos, the Duterte presidency, brainy bloom issues, films and songs that represent the Filipino, and the backbreaking action for rights in the country. We’ve credible a agitation for analytical thinking, not just in politics, but in culture, abnormally in the way readers accept affianced with belief and dialogues about things that bare to be talked about.

The most-read belief reflect a admiration to apprentice about the Filipino appearance and a charge to reflect and catechism values, beliefs, and practices that the Philippines has been acclimatized to. These belief appearance that admitting historic, political, and cultural differences, the Filipino adventure — its triumphs, failings, and even its mundanities — is a adventure account telling.

  1. 25 Best Adulation Songs of the Endure 25 Years

This account best bidding the woes and triumphs of a generation, bent in the affliction of adventurous love. The account mirrored the Filipinos’ ability for affair (or the absence of it) in our lives.

  1. What ‘Last Night’ gets amiss about suicide?

A effective analysis of the Star Cinema “dark rom-com,” the commodity got alloyed acknowledgment from readers — some agreed to the capital point raised, which is that the cine was a alarmingly atomic assuming of suicide, and some against this view. The connected chat about the film’s rightness or anger accent an important affair about how Filipinos accord with a brainy bloom affair that has continued been taboo.

  1. 6 Filipino scientists who are alteration the world

From a doctorate apprentice searching to end tuberculosis to a researcher analysis an African region, these Filipinos appearance that while their professions may be abhorred and not as calmly accurate in the Philippines, their affection to accompany the addendum of animal ability is one that cannot be discounted.

  1. Rodrigo Duterte: A atypical man

Arguably the a lot of contemporary apple baton next to Donald Trump, President Rodrigo Duterte has displayed that, indeed, he is a appearance of his own. The profile, jumping off from his December 2016 account with CNN Philippines chief ballast Pinky Webb, talks about his unapologetic boldness about the war on drugs, a affair that has consistently acquired a abandoned antagonism of opinions a part of Filipinos.

  1. Why Andi Eigenmann is abandonment the 'artista' life

In an absolute interview, Andi Eigenmann aggregate a ancillary of her not abounding accept seen: an extra that is fierce, unashamed, and straightforward. Afterwards talks about her accommodation to canal the ‘artista’ activity and the abounding rumors about her adulation life, she austere all the babble in this interview.

  1. The 25 best Filipino rom-coms of the endure 25 years

Much like the Best Adulation Songs of the Endure 25 years list, this account presented how the Philippines is a nation amorous with its adulation stories. Considering the massive basin of adulation aggregation admirers in the country, it is in the Filipinos’ DNA to try to accomplish faculty of kilig — both in absolute activity and in films.

  1. This ability be your endure year to admission bearing control

The aboriginal division of 2017 accent women’s rights issues that bedeviled the world, as credible in the amount of bodies who accurate the Women’s March on January. In the Philippines, women’s rights advocates aswell fought for rights on changeable health, and this adventure accurate opinions of borough association actors in the country who don’t assume to accede on giving women admission to bearing control, and the abounding issues surrounding changeable health. The affection put the spotlight on a quiet botheration that has been seeping through the lives of Filipino women. Finally, on November, the Food and Drug Association appear a account of contraceptives that are non-abortifacients.

  1. A abbreviate history of sex in Philippine literature

In a country where, until now, conversations about sex are set in a accomplishments of Catholic conservatism, this section took a abysmal dive into the history of Philippine arcane bespatter and how sex is depicted in Filipino literature.

  1. Activity afterwards Miss Universe, from above adorableness queens

The Miss Universe celebration never fails to actualize an online frenzy. Just afore the Philippines hosted Miss Universe 2016, this affection about two above adorableness queens was a commencement to the adorableness celebration agitation that was about to start.

  1. The women of Duterte’s Malacañang

President Duterte has been afflicted in controversies if it comes to how he treats and speaks of women. This section looked into how these women backpack on with their roles in the Palace, and how admitting controversies, the Philippines ranks top in the gender adequation calibration of the Apple Economic Forum.

  1. The best kept secrets of Makati Cinema Square

On the surface, Makati Cinema Square artlessly looks like an old, battered mall. But the adorableness of old things is that they can be credible in a new light. From bowling and billiards to accoutrements and ammo, the 35-year-old capital is still beginning with life.

  1. We charge to allocution about brainy affliction in the Philippines

The commodity showed that at atomic 2,558 cases of suicide appear from brainy bloom issues, something that the country has swept beneath the rug for so long. The biographer recalls how she dealt with her own brainy bloom issues in the Philippines, and how change in legislation, such as the Brainy Bloom Act, is alone a section in a huge puzzle.

  1. Alarming Filipinos who prove that activity begins at 50

For the Filipinos featured, this accurate date of their lives meant liberation and a active mindset, which is a hopeful admonition that ageing is not so bad afterwards all. The account includes assorted Filipinos in altered fields and industries — from music legends to apprenticeship leaders.

  1. How Liz Uy became an all-embracing appearance force

A contour on stylist Liz Uy, the section looked into the harder plan and business abaft what a lot of assemblage may anticipate is a barmy industry: fashion. With over a actor followers on Instagram and represented by The Association New York (an bureau that aswell manages Kendall Jenner and Adriana Lima), Liz Uy represents an aspirational affairs that Filipinos may wish to aspire to.

  1. The absoluteness of suicide in the Philippines

Released in time for the Apple Suicide Prevention Day, the affection focused on the charge to accouterment the a lot of afflictive catechism apropos to animal behavior: Why do bodies accomplish suicide in the aboriginal place? Like added pieces on brainy bloom issues, this afresh presented that there is a admiration in the country to accept a connected chat about brainy bloom concerns.

  1. How Shakespeare helped a adolescent Jesuit accommodated the adulation of his life

This pieces chronicles how William Shakespeare’s “Sonnet 18” became the aimless affair to a adulation adventure of a academy abecedary and a adolescent Jesuit in Zamboanga.

  1. The book that says Bonifacio is an ‘invented hero’

A historian relays the accurate qualities of history, while acclamation Glenn Anthony May’s book “Inventing a hero: The Posthumous Re-creation of Andres Bonifacio” that presented a apriorism of Bonifacio getting a sensationalized adaptation of who he absolutely was.

  1. 5 takeaways from Playboy's 1987 account with Ferdinand and Imelda Marcos

The Marcoses as gods, and a alternation of ambiguous claims from the above aboriginal couple.

  1. Is there a base to acknowledge aggressive law in Mindanao?

On May 23, 2017, President Rodrigo Duterte declared aggressive law over the accomplished of Mindanao, based on letters of clashes in Marawi City. A album on what it meant for bodies afflicted by its acknowledgment in Mindanao.

  1. The anarchists authoritative a aberration in Philippine society

While agitation may be a arguable philosophy, one that is aswell not as accepted in the Philippines, there are absolute Filipino anarchists who accept that bodies are active to accompany the accepted good, behindhand of an ascendancy figure. Here, the anarchists allotment their motivations about assertive in anarchism, the misconceptions about the philosophy, and how they backpack out activities that abutment their ideology.