Great post. Really, you write very well and have a lot of value to add to Steemit. Keep it up! This is the type of material I want to see on Steemit oer 90% of the stuff people post. I also try to provide high quality content to help people under existence and consciousness more.
Compartmentalization is an effective tool for control.
In teamwork, what you don't want is everyone thinking the same providing the same possibilities, because then you get nothing additional. Everyone has the same talents and abilities and the size of possibilities is limited.
When there is diversity, variability, multiplicity, then each persons strength adds to an overall increase in potential outcome. Whereas the lack of such diversity produces a more limited potential by comparison.
Some people in their "intellectual" arrogance, like one poster on Steemit, claimed there is only chaos, and not order. Their ignorance blinds them to reality. There is both chaos and order. Order exists, and without it there would only be chaos and nothing would exist. Organization is order. Self-organization and self-ordering or emergent order is part of existence. To deny order in existence is to deny existence, reality and truth. It's amazing how limited some people are in seeing things as they are. Everything is based on the emergence of coordinated and organized constituent parts that form a larger whole.
I was already following you, but I got to your post late, sorry. There is unfortunately too much to go through lately, and too much to read that I find... I also followed you on your site.
Take care. Peace.
Hey thanks! Sorry for the long delay. I got buried in a ton of work. I'm glad that you were able to get something out of this post. I'm currently working with a colleague in the UK on how we can use String Theory and other scientific understandings to create new models for businesses, classes, schools and other organizations. We're already seeing it in blockchain technology. So, great things are ahead for sure! Are you posting part time as a source of income here, or doing this as a side job or hobby? Just curious. Feel free to correspond w/ me through my blog over at RightBrainWorld. Thanks!