Will You STILL Trust Your Government and Vote After Watching This?

in #government7 years ago (edited)

It is self-evident that no number of men, by conspiring, and calling themselves a "government," can acquire any rights whatsoever over other men, or other men's property, which "power" they did NOT have before as individuals. And whenever any number of men, calling themselves a "government," do anything to another man, or to his property, which they had no right to do as individuals, they thereby, declare themselves trespassers, robbers, or murderers, according to the nature of their own individual actions.

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I'm Brian, the owner and creator of the YouTube Channel HighImpactFlix and the HighImpactFlix Facebook page. My aim is to create useful, relevant, exciting and engaging content that will inform and IMPACT those who take the time to view it. Bottom line: I strive to make it worth your while to check out my videos!

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I honestly do not know where you get the energy to keep at all of this INSANITY like you do. I only really woke up 10 months ago but have been at it full time learning and You (Brian at Highimpactflix) have been one of those who have enlightened me considerably.

I have started making videos too and that is why I mentioned your energy, doing this stuff is EMOTIONALLY draining. And it seems never ending and it seems the majority are too zombified to care and it seems many they hate you for point out the ugly shit on their shoes, and it seems really confusing to understand you were a slave too ignorant too know you were one all while people like you and others have known for many years. phew.... what a year.

You the man @highimpactflix We need more high quality content creators like you putting effort into the things that truly benefit us all. Cheers brutha!

Already watched this on youtube :) As usual, you nailed it. Resteemed.

Totally agreed here. I am anxious to see more, great work! I have a post with similar sentiment if you would like check it out tell me what you think. Enjoy your coming 2018, best of luck!

Just did. I will follow you. You seem to be an expert in finance. What are your thoughts about the theory that the whole financial system was designed to crash every few decades ?.
I find the notion absolutely plausible...

Very kind thanks for the response. Markets naturally recapitulate based on gains. In my piece what I tried to lay out is that's fine, but with a continually growing deficit, increasing interest payments on all money, let alone that debt is accruing, there is just continuous debt and no answer to real free markets. Just a bunch of crabs in a bucket pulling each other down every time one gets somewhere, while the king makers who hold exclusive rights to provide government currency watch and let everyone duke it out for their crumbs. In my opinion the financial system currently is designed to crash whenever the market makers and current holders of the status quo interests want it to. If it was done too often there would be violent revolt. If never done their interests would dwindled down due to other exponential growth within the system. I am not a fan of forced financial regulation, it has always turned to a buddy network that makes 1790s France look like a neighborhood pub.

Right, makes sense. Thank you for your response!
The theory I am referring to is that it is designed to crash, it has to crash, but they do it only every view decades because people don't remember the last one, it was a different generation...
So the same bubble craziness can be repeated over and over again...

I'd buy that. There was a pretty solid period in the United States from 1945 (postwar)-say the mid seventies. Not perfect times financially but really no crashes. Maybe back to your point the working class had grown up in the biggest financial crash as we see it today in the last 100 years. There sure were a lot of collapses and again, I think they are to a degree fixed collapses, if not intended pullbacks in capital that goes horribly wrong.

Yes. That makes perfect sense. The huge pile of Fiat money will get converted into tangible assets when people lose their homes. The disgusting punks responsible should be put against a wall IMHO.

Sure, do you think the wealth is walked away with (by insert whoever's name here) and everyone else is stuck taking the loss in lifestyle/buying power? Or that wealth that is created is pretty much removed from the market? Sorry it's been a long day for me already I feel like I know what you're trying to say I am just having a difficult time responding back you.

No worries. You did just fine! I got my answers from you.
Get some rest 😀

Government brainwashes people putting us in a matrix we don’t want to belong. I’m glad more people are realizing that and getting out of the matrix. Great post

Great video as always.

I would love to have had you by my side in all the "government is evil... No its Not!" arguments i have with all the sleeping sheeple..

I never trusted my government and never voted. Because some laws are made to fight the people.
so the government never want me or you to be independent 100% that is why you and I should not trust it

Great video as always. Keep up the good work! I already followed you on Youtube. I was surprised to find you on Steemit too. Glad to see you utilizing this platform as well.

Thanks for sharing. Enjoyed reading it

Absolutely not! Never have, never will. Thank you high impact, have been following you through YouTube for years.

I take control of a large Island the size of Ireland. I am the first human there and bring a wife and family. I claim personal unopposed Sovereignty and life is good. I own it.... it’s mine. People want to join me? I charge them annual tribute to live there with me. And eventually all the progeny must pay or leave. Taxation isn’t theft; it’s payment for allowing them to occupy my lands.

"If voting made any difference then they wouldn't let us do it" :)

This video really changed mt view to government

In fact, it is not easy to determine the government, it is necessary to keep a watch on the other side as well as the other side.

hlw my dear SIR @highimpactfli thanx you so much for sharing. have a nice day.

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Thank You bro

dear very nice post and thanks for sharing this post god bless you

I'm watched this on youtube, very nice video :))

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Anything anti-PC, I'm all for. PC is what killed being American.

I never voted in my life. But now, I'm planning to do so.
And this post has reduced my moral to do so again

Sure you want this on the blockchain? ;) nice video

I will not obey!