Monday is Inauguration Day, the day we change Presidents. Man it arrived quickly! It seems like only yesterday that I was watching the news out of Butler, PA with horror, concerned for the future of my country. A turn of the head saved us from whatever-might've-happened-that-I-don't-want-to-think-about.
And now, here we are.
Whether I supported them or not, I always want the new President to do well in what has to be the toughest job in the world. Like him or not, he's our leader for the next four years, so don't be afraid and let's just get on with it..
He seems wiser now, less erratic and I think he's learned a lot from his first go-round and the 4-year gap he's had between the top job.
You don't have to like the current occupant of the White House, but I do believe in showing respect for the office of the Presidency.
I wouldn't want to be President for all the money in the world because I know me. I'd hoist the pirate flag atop the White House (or maybe even the hammer and sickle to REALLY piss people off!). lol!
I'd take the White House and Paint it Black.
Then I'd start making moves against the various 'industrial complexes' and oligarchical families that actually run this country.
You want the secret JFK files? I'd post that shit online on day one. Plant a field of corn on the White House lawn and then give the crop to the poor. Is Leonard Peltier still in jail? As a person with a dollop on Native American blood myself, I'd free my brother.
I'd also pardon Edward Snowdon and free so many political prisoners that you'd think it was raining convicts! :)
If UFOs (or UAPs as they've now rebranded them) are real, I'd tell the American people as long as it wouldn't affect national security.
If it would hurt us to admit it, I'd lie my ass off and say the sightings are all just swamp gas or the planet Venus. "No, you DIDN'T see what you saw" would be my refrain, "and anyone who says otherwise is batshit crazy!" I'd lie like hell to protect NatSec.
Eventually the MIC would tire of my radical antics and I'd be impeached for installing stripper poles in the White House and holding little people strip shows in the Situation Room, and that would be that.
But that's why we have a veep, right?
But in all seriousness, I honestly wish incoming President Trump success. Like Steve Jobs after his firing from Apple; I hope he's tamed his wilder demons and learned something along the way from his years in the political wilderness.
I want the best for the United States because America is my home. Godspeed President Trump! (And they damn well better confirm RFK Jr! :)
Amazing shoots 😍