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RE: Government = Evil (No Joke)

in #government8 years ago (edited)

That is because resolution of evil can only come from non-defensiveness. Defending ourselves against evil only fans its flames. All evil actions are based on "threat" so the only way to defuse the evil is to 'reproach" the actor. Also we must stop referring to evil calling it things like jurisdiction, legal, rules, policies, government and so on. When we speak of a problem or address a problem it must be from a perspective of dealing with the man, woman, or child who is present with you, in the moment. Man to man, face to face correction of wrongs. If even a few did this in each of our local communities evil would disappear seemingly over night. Since we all know you cannot be a little bit evil, or a little bit honest or good we all should know it is not the so called 'government" that is the problem as much as to much pointing fingers, or analyzing, rationalizing , justifying and making excuses for all of this crazy and damaging conduct. Consider this aspect of what you were taught to do when someone harmed you in school. We all were taught to take the 'problem" to someone else....the teacher, principle, priest, or nun. Did anyone ever address the problem? And even if they did ....did it solve the problem for 'you?" I think most of us can agree it did not back then, nor does it today. This one "teaching" has created a mass population of 'irresponsible' people and is the root cause of thriving evil. Not one of us can claim "exemption?" Why? Because no one ever gets to heaven or has peace in their life through confessing someone else's sins. All so called 'government" offices were 'vacated" in 1933 means 'evil" minded people took over. So knowing this do we not think it is time now to 'vacate" all of our offices and replace each man, woman and youth with honourable people and to give those who have been and are being forced to do harm under the guise of 'service and protection" an opportunity to 'redeem" themselves or vacate their postilions?